We wrote an article a few days ago about Emma Vigeland's humiliating appearance on Tim Pool's "The Culture War" podcast, in which we criticized her for her disingenuousness, specifically on the issue of trans teen desistance, which she never actually addressed despite being pressed on the issue.
Since then, the internet has exploded on Vigeland's disingenuousness, in a strikingly similar fashion to when it lambasted her boss, Sam Seder, when he went on Patrick Bet-David's podcast, as well as when he debated Destiny on the Kyle Rittenhouse incident.
Because Vigeland was unable to present a valid argument for much of what she was pressed on during the debate, she's taken to running damage control in a particularly interesting way, including clipping the fraction-of-a-second moment during the debate when Tim Pool said "whoopsie," as he was criticizing Vigeland and her show for (allegedly) manipulating the audio in one of Pool's music videos, and then making fun of it on an edition of The Majority Report with Sam Seder.
This is already pretty ridiculous in and of itself - the fact that Emma has barely any material to work with, and therefore resorts to using fraction-of-a-second clips of single words Pool said during the debate to run damage control for her appearance is arguably pretty pathetic. But to make things worse, Vigeland had to clip up the segment in a strange, Quentin Tarantino-like style while discussing the incident the next day on her show (interestingly, the staff cut the initial accusation she waived at Pool from the clip they played on their show), and makes the whole segment even more cringe-worthy when hearing The Majority Report with Sam Seder's entire staff's forced, fake laughter while discussing the shooting and playing the "whoopsie" soundbite. We've embedded the extremely cringey segment from Vigeland's show below for your viewing entertainment. Try not to cringe so hard you end up breaking your neck.
Since Vigeland doesn't have much to work with in regards to actual substance, she's relying on her "Pool" (pun intended) of leftist friends on Twitter to assist her in running damage control. One of the most dishonest takes comes from @zekegonzalez22, who clipped a short 30 seconds of video out of context to attempt to make Pool look bad. Hilariously though, he uses a 30 second clip of the single segment in which Vigeland's disingenuous takes were dismantled the most. If you read our previous article on the matter, this clip may look familiar to you, because it came immediately after Vigeland was presented with the data on trans teen desistance rates - which she never actually refuted - but the 30 second out-of-context-clip @zekegonzalez22 posted on his Twitter account doesn't include anything leading up to the moment when Vigeland starts reading a completely irrelevant-to-the-topic list of medical associations. Luckily, we saw this tweet ourselves on our own Twitter timeline, and took the liberty of correcting @zekegonzalez22, and calling him out for being dishonest, disingenuous, and taking clips out of context to help his friend run damage control. We've embedded the tweet below for your entertainment.
lmao, no it's not. This is out of context, after @emmavigeland was unable to refute DATA about trans teen desistance when not given HRT. Everything she cited there had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DATA PRESENTED TO HER. Pretty dishonest take, there.
— Turd Ferguson of EndingPolitics.com (@Ending_Politics) June 30, 2023
If one good thing did come out of Emma Vigeland's poor attempts to run damage control though, it's that Sam Seder (after being heavily encouraged by Actual Justice Warrior's audience) actually did agree to debate Sean Fitzgerald (Actual Justice Warrior on YouTube) on criminal justice and crime in America. Our personal prediction here at Ending Politics is that the debate will be quite interesting, Sam Seder will maintain his normal disingenuous debate style and get visibly frustrated when it becomes apparent to him that he's not doing well, and Actual Justice Warrior will win the debate (and Sam Seder's audience and friends will be assisting him in desperately running damage control afterwards, in the same fashion they're doing now for Emma Vigeland).
We'll leave you with a highly entertaining (yet cringey) clip of the The Majority Report with Sam Seder from Emma Vigeland's Instagram account, of Seder, Vigeland, and Seder's staff's forced, fake-hysterical laughter of the idiotic "whoopsie" soundbite we wrote above, after being edited together with some audio of a female vocalist yodeling. Yes, we know; it sounds absurdly stupid - but that's why we've clipped it below - to give you an idea of just how pathetically boring and stupid they are over on that YouTube channel.