Emma Vigeland Is Disingenuous But Not Nearly As Much As Sam Seder

Turd Ferguson • Jun 24, 2023

Emma Vigeland did have some pretty disingenuous moments on Timcast's show earlier today, but not as much as Lance, and she's never been as disingenuous as Sam Seder is on the regular.

Earlier today, Emma Vigeland went on Tim Pool's new podcast called "The Culture War," along with Sean Fitzgerald (also known as "Actual Justice Warrior" on YouTube), both as guests.

As you might expect if you're a viewer of Sam Seder's show The Majority Report, she had a few pretty disingenuous moments during the debate, in which she made herself look pretty bad.

On a side note, I personally really don't dislike Emma Vigeland - certainly not nearly as much as Lance from The Serfs or Sam Seder. After having watched Vigeland for years on The Young Turks and The Majority Report, I can honestly say that, I think she truly believes the vast majority of what she says, and I think it comes from a genuine maternal instinct she has for humanity, which is very admirable.

That said, having hung around Sam Seder for as long as she has, some of his disingenuousness was bound to rub off on her eventually, and she proved that it has during her appearance on Pool's show today.

There are way too many to list all of them here, but there was one particularly egregious incident that occurred about halfway through the show, when Pool showed Vigeland data regarding trans teens and desistance rates if not giving hormone replacement therapy during puberty. The data shows that up to 98% of trans teens will desist from transitioning to the opposite sex if not given hormones. But hilariously, Vigeland, instead of addressing the data and presenting an argument against it, or even presenting other studies that might refute it, she seemingly just became upset about it!

Vigeland completely ignored the data on teen desistance rates and attempted to strawman Pool's argument by presenting studies that had absolutely nothing to do with desistance. Then, when Pool and Fitzgerald slowed the conversation down, and thoroughly explained to Vigeland that the data they showed her was in regards to teen desistance and not to post-teenage transsexual detransition, Vigeland then became more visibly frustrated, and then even attempted to completely change the topic to "moralism," claiming that she "wasn't a moralist." Hilariously though, after Pool allowed her to pivot away from the topic at hand and over to "moralism," Vigeland then claimed she believes is in fact "more moral" than others. Oh, the sanctimony from the establishmentarian lefties!

At one point, Vigeland even insisted that what Pool was talking about was a "hypothetical," which is of course an absurd argument, because he had the actual data of teen transexual desistance right in front of her face in that moment. Absolutely dumbfounding!!!

We generally don't have an opinion here on transsexualization here at EndingPolitics.com, we're not doctors, and we'll never claim to be. But to cherry-pick data points just to justify your argument on a medical issue isn't science - it's quackery. One also doesn't need a medical degree to look at data, obviously. Vigeland should've steelmanned Pool's argument instead of strawmanning a very clear data set regarding teen transsexual desistance when not given HRT. It would've made her look far less like a partisan hack in the moment, and more like an objective, level-headed individual that looks at all available evidence before developing an opinion on a very important public health issue.

This was probably the highlight of the show, so we've taken the liberty of time-stamping the discussion for your viewing pleasure below. It comes right from Tim Pool's channel, so feel free to start it from the beginning if you wish... because it was actually a pretty interesting debate, overall!

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