Disingenuous Politics: The Fall of Sam Seder

Turd Ferguson • Aug 07, 2022

Seder's disingenuity was bound to be his downfall eventually.

Disingenuousness is my single biggest pet peeve ever. I have no problem making that personal statement as I write this article for two reasons: 1) because it's a great, engaging way to begin this article, selfishly; and 2) because I know there are so many people that can relate to that statement that it's relevant enough to include. Disingenuousness can be so annoying that it's at times headache inducing, and usually when one engages with someone who is being disingenuous, a lot of people would much rather just find someone else to talk to.

Which leads me to my first point: Sam Seder is the single most disingenuous creator on YouTube, and for that reason alone, many YouTube creators that would normally otherwise love to have conversations with people of his political persuasion, would rather just not engage with him at all. A perfect example would be Joe Rogan, who even though has guests of all political persuasions on his show, very clearly wants nothing to do with Sam Seder, and has never invited Seder on his show, despite Seder claiming knowing him when they were young and "played softball together when they worked in the Boston comedy scene." (On a side note, we've scrounged the internet and are unable to find any video or even any proof at all Sam Seder ever performed standup comedy in Boston - or anywhere ever for that matter, before his live performances for his "Majority Report Live" shows, and the small few clips of these we've found of those just look very similar in style to the standup comedy routines Jimmy Dore tours with, using a laptop and large screen behind him to play videos and make jokes overtop of.)

We've written an article before about how Sam Seder's either brazen lies or disingenuity made him look tremendously stupid after 'allegedly' (for the attorneys) getting every COVID jab and still getting harshly sick from coronavirus after catching it, as he claimed in a tweet. Sam Seder, from what we can tell, has also never informed his audience that the medical-establishment's definition of what a vaccine is had been changed after the COVID jabs were invented and failed to prevent people from catching the disease.. Probably not a good look from a man who contends to report objective news and current events on his show, but I digress...

Sam Seder's disingenuous smoke-and-mirror debate tactics have clearly been wearing thin on his audience for years, which is almost certainly why his viewership has been in a slow decline over the last half-decade, and as of late, the bottom has started to completely fall out of his debate performances he hosts on his "The Majority Report with Sam Seder" YouTube channel.

Sam Seder stopped hosting debates with high-profile libertarians nearly as often about two or three years ago, but his debate with Yaron Brook last year, in which he allowed Brook to talk for an hour to his audience about objectivism almost completely uninterrupted and un-refuted didn't help his cause, and was one of the first notable signs that Sam Seder may have lost his "debate mojo."

But then a few months later, Seder debated another YouTuber who he'd seemingly been developing a rivalry with named Jackson Hinkle, in which they debated Seder's apparent political loyalty to "The Squad," or the progressive caucus in Congress headed-up by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

During this debate, Seder seemed to begin to lose his temper as Hinkle pointed out several times that Seder had contradicted himself. While Hinkle seemed to stay boyishly humorous during the debate, Seder seemed to become more and more agitated, and then in turn would go off on long tangents and say more things that would contradict other things he'd said previously. The internet seemed to agree that Jackson Hinkle walked away from that debate with a "W," and Sam Seder had taken yet another "L" in the online debate sphere.

And then again just a few weeks ago, Sam Seder debated another YouTuber named "Destiny" about Kyle Rittenhouse. This turned out to be Seder's worst decision yet.

The internet erupted on Seder's smoke-and-mirror disingenuity, and many of his fellow YouTubers made their own videos breaking down the debate piece by piece.

Seder spent most of the hour pivoting from how he'd never actually said anything "factually incorrect" (something that can be refuted on multiple fronts based on the evidence presented at trial, as well as the fact that Seder could rightfully be accused of "lying by omission" because he continued - and still continues to this day - to omit the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse killed both people in self defense), to how Kyle Rittenhouse had once spoken to "a white nationalist" (but could not provide any evidence of the "white nationalist's" affiliation with white nationalism at all during the debate), to a very strange, irrelevant story in which he claimed that once when he lived in L.A., one of his friends had been getting constantly pulled over by the police for "driving a Range Rover" (Seder implied that the police thought a black man driving a Range Rover in L.A. was in and of itself suspicious and that they only initiated the stop for that reason, and therefore unlawfully). Seder then claimed that his friend called the police and "asked for a sticker [to prove] it was his car," and the police officer then "asked him if he was black," and then claimed the police officer told him that because he was black, "there [was] nothing he could do for [him.]"

All the irrelevant tangents Seder took during this debate only made him look like he was trying to avoid actually debating the topic at hand. Seder also never once throughout the course of the entire debate ever presented any evidence to refute that Rittenhouse had acted in self defense.

The internet absolutely ridiculed Sam Seder for his disingenuity and insincerity during his debate with Destiny, and blasted him for never refuting that he'd been deceptively parsing his words to his audience when he spoke about Kyle Rittenhouse, and for never presenting any evidence to refute that Rittenhouse in fact acted in self defense.

There seems to be some correlation between the lack of debates Seder has been having as of late, and the shellacking he takes as of late when he does choose to debate. Maybe Seder recognizes himself that he's been losing his debate-mojo after all these years...

On the other hand, perhaps people just know what to expect now when they debate Sam Seder. When you're disingenuous that often, people catch onto it. People generally-speaking aren't stupid - something Seder seemingly doesn't understand - because perhaps he's spent far too many years talking to an audience that lived in a big disingenuous bubble along with him, and the second he stepped outside it, he realized the world sees him for what he truly is... a disingenuous charlatan.

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