Sam Seder Is Frantically Damage Controlling From PBD Podcast Appearance

Turd Ferguson • Mar 31, 2023

Can Sam Seder get any more pathetic?

Last week, we published an article about Sam Seder's ignorance of tax rates in the 1950s, which he embarrassingly botched during a debate with Patrick Bet-David on PBD Podcast.

Sam Seder still hasn't commented on our article, the facts/data we present in it, or whether or not we've fixed his ignorance on the subject, even after reaching out to him multiple times on Twitter. To be honest, we don't really expect him to... ever.

Since then, the internet has exploded on Seder's ignorance on that particular subject, as well as a myriad of others brought up during the debate. He's been heavily ridiculed over the past six days, and for good reason. Quite a bit of the statements Seder made on Patrick Bet-David's podcast were not only illogical and unbelievable, but many were also just provably incorrect and false (several of which we highlighted in our last article).

Hilariously, Seder has taken such a verbal beating from the net-nerds that he's since taken to Twitter and his own YouTube show to attempt to run damage control for his noteworthily mockable appearance.

Most notably, he made an idiotic, unsolicited Twitter response to a clip of Joe Rogan, which Rogan himself didn't even tweet. He then had to tag Joe Rogan so he'd see it, because the person who tweeted it had an unverified Twitter account, and therefore it's highly unlikely Joe Rogan would even see the tweet otherwise (because of how Twitter's algorithm works).

We've taken the liberty of posting the thread below for your entertainment.

In his ridiculous response, not only does Sam Seder not actually refute anything Rogan says, but also informs Rogan he's willing to "discuss" a claim Joe Rogan didn't make, that "only the top .05% of rich people should decide best tax rates." It's absolutely absurd for Seder to tweet this to Rogan, considering Rogan never made any such claim in the referenced clip.

Then, Seder took to his show the next day to whine that Joe Rogan "forgot" his name. As you might expect though, once again, Seder refuted nothing Rogan actually said in the aforementioned clip.

Then, Sam Seder went onto irrelevantly insult Joe Rogan and the way he plays sports, something Seder has done on his show before, just because Rogan (accurately, in our opinion) called Seder a "fucking dork."

Then, in a hysterically ironic moment in the clip above, Sam Seder actually addressed US here at, but also "forgot" our website name as Sam Seder would say in his own words, then called us "libertarian idiots," and then mentioning that we go "look up what the effective tax rates are." He then (wrongly) claimed the current effective tax rates were "more than double" what they are today. 

Well, since you asked Sam, we went ahead "looked it up" for you, and we even pulled the most recent data. Even as of this year, the average income tax rate on the top 1% was still 26%, and doubling that would be 52%, which is 10% higher than the average 42% of average income tax rates paid by the 1% in the 50s. So, at best, what you're actually advocating for by your own standards  is a maximum 16% increase on the total wealth of the 1% in this country. Still far and away from the 91% you proposed on your PBD Podcast appearance, and it's our honor to prove you wrong again.

For your entertainment pleasure, we've taken the liberty of iFraming and timestamping the moment where Sam Seder addresses our article, but "forgets" the name of our website below (the timestamp is at 10:29 in case your browser doesn't start the video at the appropriate time).

Also, as you might expect, Sam Seder never actually mentions what he believes the "effective tax rate" to be on the 1% anyway, as he knows that his audience members' heads would explode upon learning the truth about taxation in our country (and that they're probably too stupid to research the subject themselves anyway).

But that's not all. Sam Seder feels so humiliated for the verbal beatings he's taken over the past week, that he's even responded to unknown podcasters who've posted their own rebuttals to the nonsense he spewed on PBD Podcast.

For instance, Sam Seder got so mad at a small podcaster who goes by @table_moments on Twitter, challenging the podcaster (who as of the time of this writing, has but 10 followers on Twitter) to call into his show to debate this coming Friday. Sam Seder seemingly didn't bother to schedule a time for him to call in, or actually try to get him to appear on his podcast, because he'd apparently rather just have the podcaster call in and wait on hold until Sam Seder just decides to take his call. We've posted the Twitter thread below for your entertainment!

And just two days ago, Sam Seder posted a video on his channel briefly discussing a Liberal Hivemind video, claiming (wrongly) that "one right wing YouTuber [...] deceitfully clipped up" a segment from from his appearance on his podcast. Liberal Hivemind didn't deceitfully "clip up" the segment at all though, he just inserted some funny clips from movies and TV shows in between what Seder was saying for comedic effect, but the essence of what Seder was arguing was still intact, which is ironic because Sam Seder seemingly took issue with it. Hey Sam, Liberal Hivemind's video isn't the problem - the problem is what you said was idiotic. As always, we've iFramed Seder's video as well as Liberal Hivemind's video below for your viewing pleasure.

Sam Seder has really gotten his comeuppance for his ignorance this time. He deserves every bit of it though, as you can only go off spewing unrealistic bullshit and trash for so long before people notice and start to verbally tear you to shreds. And for the record, we're not advocating that the 1% pay less taxes than the rest of us - we're merely exposing Sam Seder's ignorance (and thoroughly enjoying doing it), while making the point that his unrealistic and grandiose tax policy proposals are completely unrealistic, and would obviously completely destroy the American economy if they were ever attempted.

And Sam, when you read this, and we know you will, please don't "forget" to mention our name in your videos again. Our website URL isn't hard to remember - we picked it specifically because it was catchy and quite easy to remember, actually. And when you whine that Joe Rogan "forgot" your name and then you do the same thing, and pretend to forget ours... well, it's annoying, to say the least.

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