Tim Pool Really Needs MORE Data To Prove Ivermectin's Efficacy?

Turd Ferguson • May 25, 2023

Even if we only had strictly anecdotal evidence of Ivermectin preventing COVID deaths, why would Tim Pool want more evidence? This medicine is very safe and very cheap.

Tim Pool, who is a self-proclaimed "milquetoast fence-sitter," for some reason seems to take issue with Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID.

During his debate with Lance of The Serfs, Tim Pool said he's asked conservatives repeatedly for "a peer reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled study" that Ivermectin was effective in treating COVID. Of course, there's plenty of anecdotal evidence that shows it does, and plenty of reliable data that shows it does also. So why exactly does Tim Pool need a peer-reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to prove that Ivermectin is effective in treating COVID? The data he's asking for isn't necessary, considering Merck's patent on the drug has been expired since 1996, so the medicine is now dirt-cheap to buy, and it's extraordinarily safe for human consumption.

Nobody refutes that there are mountains of anecdotal evidence showing ivermectin is effective in treating COVID (as well as preventing deaths), so let's just take a look at some of the available data. Before we talk about COVID though, we should mention that there already exists mountains of data of ivermectin's antiviral properties, and it's all been well documented (and never refuted). Even on the NIH's own website, they admit that ivermectin has already been proven to have antiviral effects on a myriad of RNA viruses including Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and chikungunya, amongst many, many others.

And as far as COVID treatment, Dr. John Campbell has done extensive reviews on a vast myriad of studies, evidence, and even at least one meta-analysis (for Lance from the Serfs, if he's reading this right now) proving ivermectin's efficacy in treating COVID and preventing death. But I guess either Tim Pool, MD hasn't watched much of the content on Dr. Campbell's YouTube channel, or he's still not convinced, for God only knows what reason (and we won't bother linking all the different studies and analysis' of the evidence Dr. Campbell has gone through on his channel, because it's all easily findable with the YouTube search bar, and it would probably take us several hours to link all the different videos he's done on the subject here).

Here's another problem for Tim Pool: we do have studies that prove that ivermectin is an effective treatment against COVID. They may not be "peer reviewed, double-blind, placebo-controlled" studies, but as far as we can gather, there's only one single study on ivermectin that meets that standard. It indeed found that "ivermectin did not work" (to quote Tim Pool himself), but it only had about 500 patients participate in it. It also was published all the way back in 2021, back when vaccine propaganda was running amuck. This same study has been cited and referenced possibly millions of times on the internet, based on our research, so we're not sure if Tim Pool knows of more studies like this one, or if he just thinks the millions of citations on the internet to this study are actually different studies. We do have many, many studies though proving the opposite. For example, we've had since June 2020, a peer-reviewed study that proves beyond any doubt that ivermectin actually inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. If we can already prove that ivermectin actually inhibits replication of the coronavirus itself in vitro, then what more evidence do you need, Tim?!?? The drug is safe. The drug is cheap. What's your issue with giving it to people? And let's pretend for a second we didn't have all the data we currently have that proves it works. Why do you have such an issue with giving someone a safe, cheap, and anecdotally effective drug even only in hopes that it will prevent serious illness or death?? There's absolutely no evidence anecdotally or otherwise that shows it makes things worse. So what's your deal, Tim?!??

We wrote this article this evening because we're completely stumped as to why Tim Pool takes such an issue with ivermectin. There's really no reason whatsoever to not take it, considering its safety and highly inexpensive cost (not to mention, all the data we proving its efficacy against COVID). Why is Tim Pool sounding like Sam Seder all of a sudden? Are you looking for a job on MSNBC, Tim?? Are you taking kickbacks from Big Pharma?!?!? What's your deal?!?!

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