Lance From 'The Serfs' Humiliated Himself On Tim Pool's Podcast

Turd Ferguson • May 08, 2023

This guy is even more disingenuous than Sam Seder.

Last week, Lance from the socialist internet show 'The Serfs' went on Tim Pool's podcast to embarrass himself in front of hundreds of thousands of people. He accomplished his goal.

Allow us to preface this article by saying, we really don't know much about this guy. We haven't ever watched his show, but we've seen him in other internet debates, and he's made very clear in the brief segments we've seen him in that he's a complete moron. And, he proved it last week, during his two and a half hour "debate" with Tim Pool & Co. on Timcast.

Lance's appearance on Timcast was absolutely humiliating, as you might expect. Lance behaved the same way during this debate that he has in any other debate you've ever seen him participate in: he was disingenuous, provided strawman arguments and spewed far-left cliché talking points, and occasionally avoided answering questions altogether when he knew he had no valid counter-argument to offer.

One of the most memorable discussions in the debate was the sparring between Pool and Lance over abortion issues. Now, we here at Ending Politics have the single most center-leaning opinions on abortion on the planet, and Tim Pool seems quite center-leaning on the issue also; so even though we're not the biggest Tim Pool fans ever, we can certainly sympathize with his position on this particular issue. A myriad of times, Pool presented Lance with a hypothetical about very-late term abortions, specifically abortions in the final weeks of pregnancy. Pool asked that despite a woman potentially requiring an abortion for medically necessary purposes in the final weeks of pregnancy, since the baby is still viable upon taking it out of the mother's body, why it's necessary to "kill the baby," since a baby in that stage of pregnancy could certainly survive outside the womb. In order to not look like a complete psychopath while still attempting to maintain virtuous status amongst his audience members that may have been watching at the time, Lance did anything he could to avoid answering Pool's question, and in multiple ways. Several times during this very long discussion,  Lance accuses Pool of using a "baby guillotines" argument (which we're not even quite sure what that means), to claiming women never have abortions in late-stage pregnancy outside of medically necessary reasons (which we've been unable to confirm is true; but even if it is, the reason the abortion occurs isn't even relevant to Pool's question, and a discussion about what the policy should be regarding a viable fetus after performing an emergency late-stage abortion on a woman is a very important and legitimate political discussion), to even making the most absurd claim that he made during the entire debate: that even if the baby has already been removed from a woman's body, that the fetus is still "[the woman's] body."  During the conversation, Lance even attempted to suggest that allowing a live fetus that's already been removed from a woman's body to live instead of killing it, that it's "forc[ing] birth" on a woman. Ridiculous!

We've taken the liberty of timestamping and iFraming the absolutely absurd conversation below, for your viewing entertainment. Get your ibuprofen ready for this one.

But believe it or not, Lance's arguments became seemingly even more disingenuous when the debate turned to gender-affirming care for children and pubescent teenagers. Now, this is a highly-debated issue with lots of opinions on both sides, and we're not doctors, so we're not going to pretend we know what the correct answer is on this issue. That said, we will still continue to make fun of Lance's disingenuity, because it's funny, and because we don't need "M.D." after our names to do so.

A particularly funny part of this segment of the debate was when Lance continually tried to use a "meta-analysis" to support his argument, instead of just naming specific peer-reviewed studies. A meta-analysis, especially in a debate with a bunch of non-experts, is not a particularly good way to support one's argument, because the people who conducted the meta-analysis can use any number of studies with whichever outcomes in the studies they desire to prove their biased opinion. Pool clearly knew this, and asked Lance to just provide him with peer-reviewed studies to prove his argument instead, which Lance hilariously refused to do.

And then we had the single-most disingenuous and funny part of this debate, when Lance completely avoided an argument entirely when asked about transsexual TV personality Jazz Jennings, because he wasn't smart or prepared enough to have refuted Pool's argument. Pool reminded Lance during the debate about Jennings' sterility post-operation, and also that she cannot experience sexual sensation, and instead of actually addressing Pool's argument, Lance claims his argument is "weird" and "bizarre," because Pool mentioned the complications of Jennings' surgery during their debate about trans issues. This was a feeble attempt by Lance to not have to refute Pool's argument - though unsuccessful - as Pool shot back using Lance's exact words, calling him "weird" for attempting to shame Pool for an intellectually dishonest reason instead of actually refuting his argument. It's a pretty absurd moment, and probably the most entertaining in the entire debate, so we've timestamped and iFramed below Actual Justice Warrior's breakdown of the moment so you can watch it with quickly-delivered context and an accompanied explanation.

There are plenty of other highly-entertaining moments like these during the two and a half hour long debate, and if you have the time, we recommend you head on over to Tim Pool's YouTube channel and watch Lance of 'The Serfs' humiliate himself repeatedly over and over again. And even more unfortunate for Lance, even people of his own political persuasion are angry at his poor debate performance on Timcast, and are sticking it to him on Twitter. We'll leave you with a mildly-funny response from obvious leftist-ally @fervered_femoid on Lance's Tweet about his debate, which serves as a good example of what Lance is currently dealing with from people of his own political persuasion.

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