The COVID-19 "Emergency" Is Officially Over. So, What Do We Do Now?

Turd Ferguson • May 07, 2023

The WHO officially declared an end to the covid-19 pandemic "emergency" yesterday. The virus says it promises not to infect anyone else.

Yesterday, the World Health Organization officially declared an end to the COVID-19 "global health emergency," whatever that means.

We're told this marks a new chapter for all of us, even though despite looking out my office window right now, and it looking exactly the same has it has all week long, it's time to celebrate this big change to all our lives.

You may be reading this article thinking, "I was so over this fucking nonsense years ago," and I would more than likely agree with that sentiment. But the WHO reigns supreme, and their words are to be taken for the same value as God himself's.

So now that the "emergency" is over, what do we do, and where do we go now?

The government (and probably the entire Democratic establishment) more than likely wants us to completely forget the last three years ever happened, so it won't affect their chances of (presumably) Joe Biden's reelection in November 2024.

Should we allow them that courtesy? For three years, the Democrats called anyone who questioned the legitimacy of their precious COVID-19 pandemic heartless and selfish (if you weren't ashamed of who you were and didn't want to hide your face with a mask), conspiracy theorists (if you happened to notice the profits of large corporations were skyrocketing while small businesses were shuttering), and then eventually "anti-vaxxers" (even if you'd taken every vaccine that was ever offered to you your entire life up until the point when you were intimidated into taking a very shoddily-tested one).

And as the same people who called you a "conspiracy theorist" were proven wrong as more and more evidence came out (about COVID death rates, vaccine efficacy problems, inflation, etc.), instead of admitting they were wrong, they only became more and more vicious and mean, and blame-shifted on other elected officials and bureaucrats, and occasionally even on you for not bowing to the throne, kissing the long cock of the federal government, and doing everything you were told at the exact moment you were told to do it.

I'd argue that one of the biggest problems COVID actually created in the United States was an even greater level of hatred for one another, at least those of us that are affiliated with the opposing political party as ourselves. The political temperature of the country had already hit a boiling point in this country after the election of Donald Trump in 2016, but it exploded in 2020, when the partisanship grew to historically unheard of levels. Last October, NBC News had the gall to publish an article claiming in the headline that "Covid death rates" were higher among Republicans than Democrats. but then admitted in the second sentence of the article that their evidence was based at least in part on "excess deaths" in Florida and Ohio, not on actual reported COVID-19 deaths. NBC News has a left-leaning bias, according to Media Bias / Fact Check.

The economy is currently in shambles, provably from the fallout of COVID lockdowns and money-printing. Our economy was already a house of cards before the pandemic began; but at least at the time, the card house seemed to be relatively stable. Now, it's tumbling right before our eyes, and the same bureaucrats that claimed we'd be able to fire the economy back up at full speed in a very turnkey fashion post-pandemic, have yet to apologize for their false predictions and shortcomings, with the exception of "economist" Paul Krugman, whom we've written about before on this blog. He notably wrote a column in The New York Times last year, admitting he had made a "bad call" in regards to his inflationary (or lack thereof) prediction after we shot trillions of dollars out of the Fed's money printer and had already begun to experience the hangover of our bad economic policies. On a side note, how Paul Krugman hasn't been fired from The New York Times, tarred, and feathered by now is a mystery to me. He already assisted in destroying the world economy after the dotcom bubble, when he infamously called on Alan Greenspan to inflate a housing bubble to "replace" the deflated Nasdaq bubble. And we don't even need to mention Krugman's laughable prediction about the internet in its early days, and how it would have about the same impact on the economy as "the fax machine." With his prediction on the lack of inflation we'd see after printing out trillions of dollars - I think it's safe to say at this point this guy isn't an economist - he's a crackpot, and a pretentious moron.

Then we have the fallout from the COVID jab intimidation tactics, which the government and its allies in the mainstream media used to shame and scare everyone and anyone it could to take a shoddily-tested vaccine, which the two primary jabs that were pushed by the government were created with a new medical technology that really hadn't ever been used before, mRNA. I don't think we'll ever know what the true death count is from these shots, especially the Moderna jabs, which is at this point is provably the most dangerous one(s), because the government its lackeys are too afraid to admit just how many people they killed with their vaccine propaganda. We are starting to realize, however, the fallout vaccine-induced myocarditis, and especially pericarditis is causing. Dr. John Campbell recently released a video on his YouTube channel of the data on pericarditis, proving that it catching COVID-19 naturally seems to almost be a protective agent against developing pericarditis, whereas getting vaccinated is causing it. The data is quite scary. We've taken the liberty of embedding his video on the subject below.

The Branch Covidians don't deserve forgiveness for their shortcomings over the last three years. What the deserve instead is accountability, for being politically divisive, destroying the world economy, and hurting people with their jabs for their precious profits. Their behavior has been absolutely unacceptable, and they deserve condemnation, not forgiveness, and that's how the American people should proceed. Everyone who assisted in this travesty should be held accountable for their actions, even if that means prison, or paying financial restitution to business owners and their employees, people that they've hurt with their vaccines, and also anyone that they wrongly smeared or defamed with their propaganda.

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