Turd Ferguson's Open Letter To Ana Kasparian (NOT A Love Letter)

Turd Ferguson • Jul 06, 2023

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this letter, Ana.

Dear Ana,

Good evening (or morning, or afternoon, whenever you've come across this link). I hope this letter finds you well.

I wanted to reach out to you to give you some advice in how to deal with the current predicament you mentioned experiencing during your recent appearance on the Sitch & Adam Show. You suggested early on in the interview that you're questioning a good bit of everything you've ever thought (in regards to social issues and politics, it sounded like).

To be completely honest with you, I know the feeling. I experienced something very similar to what you're experiencing right now a very long time ago, when I was a young man (well, younger than I am now, at least).

It was a tough time for me. Looking back, I now consider some of these feelings and thoughts I experienced at the time as a bit nuts; but at the time, I recall taking the thoughts and feelings I was experiencing very seriously. I recall having thoughts along the lines of:

"Am I stupid? Why didn't I see this before?"

"Has everything I've been brought up to believe so far been a complete lie?"

"Am I a bad person for feeling this way? Do these feelings somehow make me selfish or uncaring?"

My bet is that you might be able to relate to the above questions. Maybe you've recently asked yourself these exact same questions.

I want you to know that I can sympathize with how you're feeling. And don't worry, these feelings, and these strange questions you're asking yourself, will pass in time.

In the meantime, don't feel bad or selfish. You don't owe anyone anything. The only thing you owe anyone is honesty, and it's to yourself, not anyone externally.

I want to mention that I think you're correct on a good bit of the issues you've been pondering lately. I personally think you've come to the correct conclusion on the Kyle Rittenhouse incident (and I think you're now probably on the same page as the vast majority of the American people are). I think you're right to question whether or not we should be giving children experimental hormone therapies (personally, I don't know what the correct answer is on this issue; I'm not a doctor, and will never claim to be); I think this is a nuanced issue that should be questioned, and should always be, even as data continues to be collected on the subject.  And I wholly agree that we don't need to collectively lose our minds on every single injustice in the world - because there are just far too many. I hear about injustices every single day. I hear about the bad things cops do. I hear about oppressed people on the opposite side of the world. I hear about large multinational corporations lobbying the government to pass legislation that directly conflicts with the interest of the rest of us. Like you, it pisses me off too. But we can't dedicate our entire lives to fighting every single injustice we ever hear about (unless you find true life purpose in such things). If we do, we'll never have time to live our own lives, and experience things that make us happy, not pissed off. Things like your husband, your family, and your dog (just to name a few examples) don't necessarily need to take a backseat to things that you might not ever be able to change anyway, even if you dedicate years and years of your life trying to fix them.

One thing you said during your interview on Sitch & Adam really stood out to me: it was that you currently consider yourself "politically homeless." Boy, do I know how that feels! For a long time, I considered myself a libertarian. I don't anymore, mainly because, like yourself, a lot of the people I considered political allies acted like fucking complete fools and maniacs, and drove me away with (what I thought were) my own political ideologies. I still sympathize with a lot of libertarian values, just like I'm sure you still sympathize with a lot of progressive values. But we don't need to include ourselves in the "maximalist" contest (I'm glad you used the word maximalist; I think it's a good descriptor of what's going on there). A lot of these Twitter lefties, especially the ones who host internet TV shows and podcasts, seem like they're participating in some sort of nonexistent content, in which everyone tries to "out-left" each other and "out-woke" each other, up until the point where they're saying absolutely fucking ridiculous nonsense. For instance, Lance from The Serfs claiming he's okay with a woman whose life isn't in danger having an abortion 5 seconds before she's actually about to give birth for no reason other than: "her body, her choice!"

I've said for years that this out-woking game the online-left is playing will only have one outcome: when it's all said and done, there will come a point for everyone involved at which they just won't be far enough left, they won't be "woke" enough; and when that day finally comes, they will be cast out by the same people whom they once considered their friends and allies. This game will continue up until the point where the only people who are still considered "lefties" will be 7 morons on Twitter harassing all the people they used to consider their friends in their tweet replies. Unfortunately, you happened to be one of the people who early on realized that this "game" was completely absurd, so you're becoming the victim of these morons who are harassing you in your tweet replies. Ignore them, they're idiots, and most of them are disingenuous anyway and don't deserve your time (right now, I'm thinking about those two idiots who host The Vanguard, and Lance).

Anyway, I wish you the best in your ideological journey. You don't need to subscribe to the mad crowd's ideology. It's perfectly fine to have your own ideology. You can be an economic progressive. You can be a social democrat. You can be a civil libertarian. You can even be nothing at all. After all, you don't owe anyone an explanation, and especially not a label.

Or, you can be a thousand labels. You can be an anti-neoconservative, an anti-establishmentarian, an American exceptionalist, a civil libertarian, an anti-Lance-from-The-Serfsian, an anti-The-Vanguardian, and so on (who knows, maybe we're all those things over here.... 😉).

And lastly, I'd like to say, it takes guts to admit when you're wrong, and even more guts to correct the record afterwards. I personally still can't admit I'm wrong about a lot of things I in fact know that I'm wrong about (haha). You have some seriously large metaphorical balls, and you should be proud - of your big, hairy, metaphorical testicles.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know you're busy. Wherever your ideological journey leads you, I hope you find peace in it. Namaste. And please, say hello to your adorably cute dog for me.

Sincerely yours,

Turd Ferguson


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