I'm extraordinarily straight, and there's something extremely sexy about a kind, feminine, compassionate woman who isn't afraid to speak the truth when she feels she needs to.
And Ana Kasparian has been BLOWING UP lately - but in a very good way.
In case you're not particularly active on Twitter, over the past five days or so, Ana Kasparian has been going scorched earth on her former progressive allies who've stabbed her in the back. They picked the wrong badass chick to mess with. Kasparian is smart, sexy, and strong-willed. And she's totally owning these morons in the reply sections.
Before I give ya the deets though, I need to back up a bit. Ana Kasparian, over the past year or so, has slowly been exiting the partisan bubble she seemed to lock herself into around the year 2016 - a.k.a. the Trump era.
Before the last twelve months, it seems Kasparian had consistently sided with the establishment-left on literally everything. You would've been hard-pressed to find any opinion from The Young Turks and Kasparian that differentiated in almost any way from what MSNBC was shitting out on the daily.
Something has since clicked in Kasparian's head. She now seems to see through the lies the establishment media, neo-leftists, and neo-progressives are putting out. It appeared as though the flood gates opened - and opened wide - when Kasparian apologized for getting her facts wrong on the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Since then, she's seemingly questioning a good bit of what the establishment-left is shilling out, including giving puberty blockers (that are inherently being used off-label) to children, late-term abortions that aren't for health purposes, and calling your political opponents "racists" just for disagreeing with you.
And of course, from the radical neo-post-modernist-left, the second you disagree with a single thing they say, you're cast out, no matter how much with them you agree (and in Kasparian's case, it's probably an upwards of 95%). I've said for years that the "out-woking game" the left plays with each other, in which the rules are whoever can say the most outlandish far-left nonsense wins, can only end with about seven morons on Twitter who do nothing except harass in the Twitter reply sections their fellow former progressive "friends" for refusing to test the bounds of the fringes of neo-post-modernist thought.
And just as I predicted, that's exactly what the radical neo-leftists and neo-progressives are doing as I write this - to poor Ana Kasparian, who is significantly smarter than most of the former humans in her movement, and therefore she's among the first to be honest about what she sees inside it, and is in the midst of being cast out by most of morons who haven't yet been able to smell their own bullshit.
But the good news is, of course, this all comes with a barrage of Twitter entertainment for all of us "normies" (that feels extremely weird to call ourselves, considering we're so antiestablishment on this blog, but compared to these guys....).
There are hundreds of takes about this very subject being tweeted every hour right now - so much so that it would be impossible to cover them all, but we'll highlight a few of the funny ones for your literary entertainment.
The first is from radical post-modern turd burglar David Doel, who is mad at Kasparian because she thinks using the word "bonus hole" to replace the word "vagina" is just a little bit absurd.
"Assuming they are real." I just linked to it. The right turns these anecdotes to national stories because they know it will turn people off. My argument is to be a little more strategic/tactful to secure healthcare/housing for the trans community. That's my point.
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
Now of course, Kasparian is mostly correct here, but it's actually every earth-dwelling human being that's turned off by it, not just the right; and they're not even just turned off - they think it's absolutely fucking ridiculous - because it in fact is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
The next two Twitter embeds are pretty funny too - these are of Kasparian absolutely destroying another one of the nut-jobs in her movement, even going as far as calling him/her batshit crazy! Hilarious!
You don't watch the show. So you have no idea what I talk about or how often I defend the trans community. I think the fringe shit, and activists like you, turn the country against people. You're just too stupid to see it.
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
No, I didn't. You said barricading people you disagree with is non-violent. If an alt-right group did that to a trans speaker, I'm sure you'd change your tune. You're dishonest, childish and batshit crazy.
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
Ana Kasparian - 2
Random Twitter Douche - 0
Here's a hilarious tweet reply from Ana Kasparian to another random Twitter douche who's trying to use some anecdotal incident of "violence" from the civil rights era (which from the text in the passage, doesn't actually sound like violence was used but that's beside the point), and she tries to convince them that non-violence is actually the best course of action for their movement to promote its ideologies... and they actually disagree with her dude! LOL!
Are you guys genuinely this stupid? The movement made a point to be NON-VIOLENT and the violence used against them is part of what changed hearts and minds. Trans activists barricading a speaker at SFSU runs counter to that strategy. Holy fucking shit!
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
And here's a funny one of Kasparian verbally bitch-slapping another Twitter mouth-breather for intentionally misrepresenting her argument on "bonus holes...."
My argument wasn't that someone would call me that. Try again.
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
And here's one of another forgettable no-name Twitter user, not even addressing Kasparian's argument. You can almost hear inside your head the neo-post-modern NPC's shouting "YASSSSS QUEEEEEEN" in front of their iPhone 14 Max screens (while claiming to love communism), after claiming Kasparian is friends with someone she'd never even heard of.
I don't know who that is. But maybe address the substance of the argument?
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) July 5, 2023
And another...
Only according to lunatics like you.
— Ana Kasparian (@AnaKasparian) June 26, 2023
There are so many more; it would just take way too long to embed them all. If you need a good laugh though, I highly recommend creating a Twitter account if you don't have one already, head on over to Kasparian's Twitter account and read through the Tweets. Highly entertaining!
The most insane part of all this is, Kasparian agrees with the vast majority of everything all her current haters believe. But the <5% of things they disagree on has inspired all these maniacs to cast her out - as I predicted the left would do, and will continue to do as the radical neo-post-modern-leftist movement continues to self-immolate. I'll leave you though with a great take from YouTube centrist PSA Sitch, which Kasparian retweeted herself. Happy trails!
The fact that Ana Kasparian essentially saying "violent riots and violent protests are bad," is getting so much push back from insane people online proves everything she is saying is true.
— PSA Sitch🚸 (@PSA_Sitch) July 6, 2023