Sam Seder Either Doesn't Understand Inflation Or He's Lying About It

Turd Ferguson • Jul 15, 2023

Sam Seder continues to deny inflation was caused by money printing without providing any evidence for his claims. Does he just not understand inflation, or is he blatantly lying??

Sam Seder, cohost Emma Vigeland, and random guest-host douche made complete fools of themselves on The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder yesterday.

We’ve written before about the left’s constant copium-blowing after suddenly discovering inflation is in fact a real thing (because the mere fact that it exists in and of itself effectively disproves everything the left believes about economics). But yesterday, Sam Seder & Co. took their inflation conspiracy theories to entirely new levels of complete fucking stupidity.

Sam Seder again today, tried to blame inflation on “rising corporate profits” (a theory that’s already been debunked multiple times by a variety of news sources and economists, as well as us here at Ending Politics), without citing any evidence whatsoever. In fact, during the entire segment, he was only able to cite a single speech given by a Biden-appointed bureaucrat to prove his argument. And, in a seeming effort to embarrass himself further, Seder only cites one short quote within the speech (of course, accompanied by no evidence to prove his claim whatsoever); and even in the original speech, the single sentence Seder cites, Lael Brainard (the NEC Director who gave the speech) herself also doesn’t actually offer any evidence to support her claim. The quote reads:

“It will be important for corporations to continue to bring their markups back down after having raised them to unusually elevated levels over the past 2 years, which would help in reducing inflation. The markups associated with price-price spirals– with final goods prices going up by more than input prices – should unwind if customers become more price-sensitive and firms compete more intensely for customers.” 

And if it's even possible - it gets even more embarrassing for Seder when one realizes that Brainard actually blatantly lies in the quote cited by Seder. In fact, even from the perspective of a left-leaning bias, the prices of non-labor input costs actually exceed (in percentage points) the CPI’s peak inflation numbers at 9.1% (as we’ve reported many times before). As evidence, we’ll cite the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute’s study from mid-2022 that explicitly states in their study that the average nonlabor input costs in the corporate sector between Q2 2020 and Q4 2021 was 38.3% - nearly 12 percentage points higher (and to prove Seder's "corporate greed" theory completely bunk - nearly three percentage points higher than the peak inflation numbers according to the CPI) than it was from the previous forty years (during which the average was 26.8%)

Check your facts before you go running your mouth on your show, Seder.

You’re getting really fucking sloppy.

But that’s not all; there are significantly more problems with Seder’s theory. The first problem (and quite possibly the biggest) is that almost all credible economists acknowledge that corporate profits have absolutely no effect on inflation; and in fact, if there’s any correlation between the two at all, it’s the opposite, as it is possible for inflation to boost the profits of business - especially big business.

But if that wasn’t enough to completely prove Seder’s argument bunk - there’s yet another major issue with his theory: Price markups aren’t the only way a company can raise its profit margins. A company can raise profit margins by finding new and more competitively priced material suppliers, cutting labor expenses and laying off employees, finding more competitive contractors, cutting marketing expenses (or any expense it considers unnecessary for that matter), re-negotiating contracts with current distributors and suppliers, and a myriad of other ways. In fact, there are so many different ways a company can raise its profit margins, it would be impossible to list them all in this article. And unfortunately for Seder (and every other leftie that's ever made this argument), none of them have provided any evidence whatsoever to prove that the current higher corporate profit margins come specifically from hiking their prices much higher than input costs. And in fact, as we've proven above (with a left-leaning study), there's actually evidence of the opposite.

Sam Seder’s humiliation fetish knows no bounds. But we are indeed grateful that Seder continues to make himself look like a complete fucking moron on his own show, as it provides us with endless amounts of material with which we can use to create content to mock and laugh at him. 

Sam Seder frequently uses his platform to mock the stupidity of many on the conservative-right, while ironically not realizing how stupid he and his cohosts are. 

As always, we’ll update this article if/when Seder offers any comment. He hasn’t commented on any of our critical articles of him before, so we doubt we’ll hear from him this time either. After all, we’re sure he’s pretty embarrassed.

And, as always, for your viewing entertainment, we've embedded this ridiculous segment below for you to watch, and see for yourself just how idiotic Seder and his cohosts are. 

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