Texans Should Vote To Secede From the U.S.

Turd Ferguson • Mar 08, 2023

Lawmakers in Texas have filed a bill that would allow Texans to vote to secede from the U.S.A.

Texas lawmaker Rep. Bryan Slaton (R-Houston) filed a bill yesterday that, if passed by the state legislature, would allow Texans to vote to secede from the United States, according to his Twitter account.

If this passes, Texans should take the leap and vote to secede.

Texas' statehood doesn't benefit anyone involved. Most liberal states want them gone, considering it's a huge state which provides lots of electoral votes for the Republican candidate every presidential election cycle, and the majority of people in Texas clearly don't like the control that the increasingly liberal-leaning United States of America has over their state.

In fact, it would benefit everyone involved far more than not for Texas to secede. The "Texit" movement has been picking up steam for years, and it's now reached the tipping point, with SurveryUSA reporting that 66% of Texas voters favor secession from the United States.

Some new outlets have reported that Texas actually cannot legally secede. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is, a government can do literally anything it wants to, regardless of what the federal government says. The marijuana legalization trend happening all over the country is proof of this. Marijuana is explicitly against federal law and remains a Schedule I substance, and yet most states have (rightly) ignored this law and created some sort of regulated market for the substance in their local jurisdictions. The federal government has done almost nothing about this (short of raiding some locally-owned dispensaries in the early days of legalization), because they really can't. There's nothing they can actually do to stop a state from violating federal law, short of starting a civil war with said state. Seems highly unlikely.

The same goes for state secession. The federal government can claim and write laws until the cows come home in attempt to prevent a state from doing anything it doesn't want it to do. But at the end of the day, if the citizens of a state want something, all they need to do is elect the politicians who tell them they'll enact the changes they'd like, or in the case of Texit, vote on behalf of the law itself. Much like state marijuana legalization, the only thing the federal government could actually do is sic its military on that state, which is already highly unlikely, and would undoubtedly be extremely unpopular with the American people.

That said, because the Democratic Party has become so pro-war over the past decade, it's certainly possible (although still unlikely) that (with the help of the talking heads in the mainstream media) the establishment could convince the Democratic constituency that going to war with a state that wants to secede and killing its citizens is in fact a good thing. There definitely are enough stupid people inside the Democratic Party establishment that will believe anything that MSNBC tells them, and MSNBC happens to be the most historically pro-war cable television network (besides perhaps the first twenty-some years of the existence of Fox News), so it would almost certainly be the first network to condone a federally-initiated civil war against a seceding state.

Texas should take the risk. Although evil, it's unlikely any American politician is evil enough to declare war on one of the states just for seceding. This is a very low-risk gamble for Texas, with a huge upside for everyone involved.

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