Establishment Is Mad At Tucker Carlson For Playing Video Footage

Turd Ferguson • Mar 09, 2023

Imagine being mad at someone just for playing unedited video footage on a TV show.

Allow me to preface this article by saying I condemn anyone that got violent or destroyed any public property at the capitol building on January 6th.

Having said that, it's becoming clearer and clearer by the day that the majority of people that were protesting at the capitol that day were doing just that - protesting. Nothing more, nothing less.

Some might say that entering the capitol in and of itself is some sort of crime. This is an absurd claim by any reasonable standard. The people that entered the capitol building that day were American citizens who pay for the upkeep, security, and utilities there, through their tax dollars. And they have every right to go into a building they are forced to pay for. Period. End of story.

A few nights ago, Tucker Carlson played video on his show Tucker Carlson Tonight of protesters on January 6th peacefully protesting, touring the capitol building, and not rioting. For God only knows what reason, this has absolutely infuriated the establishment. We're not kidding about this. This may sound absurd to the average, level-headed individual, but the establishment Democrats (and a good many Republicans) are actually mad at Tucker Carlson for simply playing unedited footage on the January 6th "insurrection" (which was really nothing more than a large protest in which a small few people committed malicious destruction of property) on his show - footage the same angry bureaucrats and politicians are currently claiming the public already had access to anyway. Whether or not they're lying about that doesn't actually matter, as the American people in fact own the 40,000 hours of video footage that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy provided Tucker Carlson's staff access to. The American public owns it, and the American people have the right to see it. This is undebatable. You can't refuse to provide the American people access to something they own, regardless of whether it's access to a building they're forced to pay for, or access to video camera footage from inside a building they're forced to pay for.

For some ungodly reason though, the bureaucratic and political establishment on Capitol Hill seems to disagree with that sentiment. How? How could they possibly disagree with such an obvious fact? They really don't believe that the American people should have access to watch video footage from the inside of a building they're forced to pay for? To even fathom such a thing seems absurd. But it's quite clear they truly believe the American people shouldn't be able to watch that footage.

So that begs the question: why? Why don't the Capitol Hill bureaucrats and politicians want the American people to watch that video footage? Are they embarrassed about it? Are they hiding something??

Well the truth is, yes, they are in fact hiding something. Or at least they were trying to. They were trying to hide the truth of what happened that day. The Capitol Hill establishment composed a special narrative about the incident on January 6th. And that composition doesn't actually reflect the truth of what happened. And they've been lying about it for so long - several years now actually - that when the American people see the unedited footage of the capitol building from Jan. 6th 2021, they'll know that nearly all the accusations these bureaucrats and politicians made about the "dirty Trump insurrectionists" are entirely false. The vast majority of these men and women were simply protesters, who believed at the time that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen from them. Whether you agree with them or not about the results of the 2020 presidential election is irrelevant; they have the right to protest and they have the right to a voice. This right is protected constitutionally by the 1st Amendment. This is objective fact, and clearly a very inconvenient one for the political establishment on Capitol Hill, because they've been lying about these people for the last two years, claiming that they were committing "insurgency" on the capitol building (whatever the hell that means).

And so, the political establishment is angry at Tucker Carlson, for simply playing unedited video footage on his show. But perhaps the most hilarious demonstration of anger from any of these politicians and bureaucrats, comes from one, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, whose ridiculous rhetoric will have any level-headed individual laughing his or her ass off after watching the clip we've taken the liberty of iFraming below, courtesy of the Forbes Breaking News YouTube channel.

"Contempt of the facts!" exclaims Chuck Schumer, just seconds into the clip. "Disregard of the risks!" he says. "And knowing full-well he was lying!"


Contempt of the facts?!?!!  How, Chuck??! All he did was play unedited video of the incident. The video footage are the facts, literally. Unless your claim is that Tucker Carlson's staff doctored the footage somehow, how can you possibly claim his playing of the video footage is "contempt of the facts"?!?!

And disregard of the risks?!? What risks?!?! The risks that people might see you for the fraud that you truly are?!?! What other risks could you possibly be talking about, Chuck!??!

And "knowing full-well he was lying"?!?! Lying about what exactly?!? Again, all he did was play video footage of the incident. The video tape doesn't lie - so how can you possibly accuse Tucker Carlson in good faith of lying?!?!?

This is so laughable and ridiculous that watching the single video clip above alone is probably more entertaining than the entire first season of The Last Of Us on HBO Max.

Again, all this anger from the political establishment on Capitol Hill is only due to the fact that their own lies have been exposed. The video doesn't lie, and the political establishment's entire narrative of the "January 6th Insurrection" has now collapsed, thanks to Tucker Carlson Tonight's brief January 6th special, on which Carlson played the unedited footage of the incident. Thank God we have at least one honest individual in the mainstream media.

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