The Democrats Have Absolutely No Solutions For The Debt Crisis

Turd Ferguson • Mar 10, 2023

The Democratic Party gets mad about resistance to raising the debt ceiling, but they never offer any real solutions to addressing the national debt.

The national debt has been a hot political issue for more than a generation, but it still continues to get worse.

As the debt gets worse, and America comes closer and closer to an almost-inevitable default, the Democratic Party gets mad that they face resistance from their opposition to raise the debt ceiling (which in all actuality, they don't; Republicans have made it clear they're not opposed to raising the debt ceiling, but they'd first like to see some sort of plan that would begin to address our debt problem).

This is one of the few things the Republicans get right in our society. Sovereign debt is a problem - it stunts economic growth, and it puts unnecessary pressure on tax payers to service it, especially in times of rising interest rates, in which we're in right now, when the interest on servicing the debt gets higher. And who pays said rising interest rates on the national debt? Again, it's the American taxpayer. It's money taxpayers are forced to give to the government to pay off debt that most of them really didn't want in the first place, and they get no value for in return.

It's common knowledge that Democrats are more often than not the ones that vote for spending money we don't have, without mind for future suffering it may cause (although it's certainly obvious that both parties are guilty of this), and then whenever we come close to hitting our debt limit (which is all the time), the Democrats whine that we're doing some sort of disservice to the American people by not raising it (at least as of late). There's never a word about the disservice Congress does to the American people by spending money the American people don't have, and how much money we're wasting to service it, or the very little value the American people get in return for all the money they give the government (or in the case of when the government prints it, the loss of value of the money and rising cost of living we have to endure).

And then when the rare (but possibly good) idea is proposed that American just default on its current debt, the Democrats lose their minds. "Look at all the money we've borrowed! You don't go to a restaurant and eat a filet mignon entrée and then skip out on the bill after you've already eaten it," they whine, using the stupidest analogy imaginable, while ignoring it's usually Congress that "orders and eats the steak" when the more-fiscally responsible American people didn't even want to "eat out" in the first place.

And then, when the solution is inevitably proposed that Congress stop spending money the American people don't have, they get mad about that too. Do you see the Catch 22 here? We can spend, spend, spend, and ignore the looming debt crisis the U.S. inevitably will face, and we have to raise the debt ceiling every time we hit it, because we can't default on our debt! It's quite a nice little scam the Democrats (and a good chunk of Republicans) have concocted, and the American people are stuck suffering in the aftermath. We can't even get the people putting us through all this pain to take a pay-cut to ease the tax burden for the American people. If anything, they'll whine that their high-6 figure salary isn't enough for doing almost no work, and then pass laws increasing their own salaries. Only the government could get away with running such a scam, and only the stupidest of the American people could justify the actions of these criminals in good faith - or in other cases, perhaps bad faith or just complete disingenuousness (cough, Sam Seder, cough).

Not to mention, we shouldn't ignore the fact that all this borrowing is enriching their good friends in the military industrial complex, unnecessary government agencies (some deserve no funding whatsoever because they literally create no value for society), and other special interest groups. But that's really what it's all about isn't it - enriching their elite friends so they'll donate back to their campaigns, so they can get re-elected and keep their high-6 figure paychecks to keep doing nothing all day and still live the high-life? Hmmm... I think we just might be on to something here...

Both parties are guilty of this, but at least the Republicans occasionally pretend to care about the national debt. At least they bring up the issue at their Congressional and Senate hearings. It's the Democrats that only get mad when the issue is even addressed....

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