Progressives Are Mad At Ana Kasparian For Preferring To Be Called A Woman

Turd Ferguson • Apr 14, 2023

There's nothing more annoying than a leftist trying to out-left another leftist.

Ana Kasparian apparently doesn't like the new pro-trans-movement vernacular, calling women "birthing persons" or "persons with uteruses."

To preface this article, I personally don't really care much about these highly-obscure social issues that have almost no effect on actual policy whatsoever, but I do find this particular situation interesting, and pretty humorous, to say the least.

Anyway, after Kasparian spoke about her preferences to be called a "woman" on Twitter, and making it clear on an edition of The Young Turks a few weeks ago that calling women "[people] with uteruses" is utterly stupid, the online leftists on Twitter and progressives in general have seemingly turned on Ana Kasparian, as well as her TYT cohost Cenk Uygur.

It's hard to believe because this is so incredibly stupid that to all of us normal people, it seems like something that we'd immediately forget about, even if for some reason we did have a desire to start unsolicitedly coming up with replacement nouns for the word "woman," but never underestimate the online left's ability to uproar over the smallest of issues you could possibly imagine.

We'll start with our favorite friend of the website, Sam Seder, who is not a woman, had the gall to claim on his show that this really doesn't affect Ana Kasparian's life, whereas it does in fact affect the lives of transsexual people. How Sam Seder could put himself in the shoes of a woman and determine this is still lost on me (unless he now identifies as a woman, which in reality wouldn't surprise me, considering he's extremely emasculated), but nonetheless, he (I guess) insists that Ana Kasparian shouldn't talk about it or shouldn't care about it. Now, Sam Seder: King of Disingenuity has a long, documented history of being extraordinarily wrong about 90% of the shit that spews out of his mouth (or maybe he just lies), but we're absolutely sure it's different this time around. We've taken the liberty of timestamping and iFraming his fucking completely idiotic opinion on the matter below for your entertainment.

Seder says a few fucking idiotic things in this segment, including that he "[doesn't] have any reason to be believe [...] that Ana is anti-trans." REALLY??! YA THINK??!! Are ya fucking sure about that, Sam? Of course, what she tweeted wasn't anti-trans in any way, shape, or form whatsoever, and literally only has to do with what she herself prefers to be called, but maybe we should review the thousands of hours of Ana Kasparian advocating for trans' rights just to be sure. By the way Seder, I personally find it fascinating that for a guy who'll endlessly defend the right of people to pick what pronouns they want to be referred to as, that somehow you have some sort of big problem with Ana Kasparian wanting to be called a woman, which she is. Or, perhaps, your real issue is that she doesn't want to be referred to as a man in the post-modern world, which would actually make a lot more sense to me (coming from you). And by the way, before you claim that you wouldn't mind being called a "semen provider," maybe you should go figure out what your sperm count actually is, because I have a feeling it's probably extremely low, and I wouldn't want to call you something inaccurate.

Speaking of disingenuity on The Majority Report with Sam Seder, this golden Twitter thread between Emma Vigeland and Cenk Uygur proves just how disingenuous Seder's cohost Emma Vigeland is, and just how far she's willing to go to avoid disagreeing with her boss and deity, Sam Seder. We won't post the whole thread, but clicking on the below Tweet embedment will lead you to the actual Twitter thread, which you'll be able to follow back to the beginning if you so desire.

"Whaaa! Whaaaa!" cries Emma Vigeland. To be clear, Uygur really wasn't being even mildly disrespectful to Vigeland at all up until she claimed that she wants "[Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian] to be on the right side [of the issue]." How Emma Vigeland just gets to decide that she's on the right side of any given issue and therefore gets to tell other people what to believe, I don't know, but Cenk Uygur still didn't respond particularly poorly to her tweet; he just (in a sarcastic way) told her she was being patronizing and that he congruently believes she's on the wrong side of the issue also.

Then, Emma Vigeland received a comment from someone who proudly calls him/herself "Fancy Communist" on Seder's YouTube show, and thanks Vigeland for her "courage" and standing up for "a marginalized community." LMFAO! Yes, she stood up for a "marginalized community" by claiming that women should just unquestioningly accept being called "birthing people" or "people with uteruses." Wow, how courageous! I personally remember a time when the word "courageous" actually had some level of meaning to it, and you actually had to do something brave to be called it. As always, for your viewing pleasure, we've iFramed the aforementioned clip below.

But that's not all, Lance of The Serfs, whom The Young Turks gave a platform to many times in order to promote his much newer and less-known web show, didn't have to think twice about stabbing Ana Kasparian in the back the moment it became convenient for him to do so, trading his friendship with Uygur and Kasparian for a few moments of world wide web clout and a few likes on Twitter.

If you have the time, watch this clip of the new podcast The Leftist Mafia with Lance betraying his former friends, not stick up for them when appropriate, and smile and laugh whenever Olay insults Kasparian, and even brings Kasparian's race into the argument where it has no place.

Matt Binder, whom we've made fun of a myriad of times on this blog for being stupid as fuck, and - no surprise here - is also a Thursday afternoon cohost on Sam Seder's show (because what far-left retard wouldn't be?), also doesn't stick up for his former friend from at TYT when Olay insults her, because Matt Binder also plays the stupid game "out-lefting the leftists" for minimal amounts of internet clout and a misplaced sense of self-perceived superiority.

We won't go on, but these are all great examples of what happens when you join in with the leftist community in reciting their typical lines of bullshit. Eventually, there will inevitably come a time when you just can't measure up to their far-left leaning absurd standards, and when you do, they'll cast you out because you won't be needed anymore. This will continue for a long time, until all that remains of the "leftist" community is about 12 morons on Twitter with about 10 followers each, who all "identify" as transsexual space aliens from the Planet Zorgonn, and have been "surgically-adjusted" on the black market to have experimental "peniginas" and hail from a foreign Middle Eastern country, so they'll even have extra wokeist clout, not just for their highly-experimental "penigina" sex change operation that you can only buy on the black market in a third world county, but also for being part of a racial minority in the United States. Can't measure up to that level of wokeness Sorry, you're no longer woke enough. Later!

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