Mehdi Hasan Got His Facts Wrong During His Rant Against Matt Taibbi

Turd Ferguson • Apr 12, 2023

Considering Mehdi Hasan's behavior during his interview/"debate" with Matt Taibbi, he's got some serious gall to have gotten his facts wrong.

We just wrote an article a few days ago about Mehdi Hasan after stumbling upon a ridiculous rant on YouTube of him trying to "debunk" (if you use the word loosely) the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

Unfortunately, we have to write another article about Mr. Hasan; this time, about getting his facts wrong during his angry rant (because it's difficult to call it a debate) against Matt Taibbi when guesting him on his MSNBC show, and at this point, he hasn't returned our requests for comment again.

Considering Hasan's behavior during the edition of his show, he must have some serious cojones down there to actually get his facts wrong during his argument with Taibbi, which was specifically about getting his facts wrong. Nonetheless, Mehdi Hasan proved the other night on his show that either himself or someone else on his show is extraordinarily incompetent, because Hasan made a provably false claim on his segment with Taibbi.

Specifically, Hasan claimed that Matt Taibbi incorrectly reported that the EIP partnered with the government-run CISA, and that the EIP actually partnered with an independently-operated nonprofit known as "CIS." But this is a provably false statement from Hasan. The EIP did partner with the government-run CISA, which is easily fact-checkable through a simple Google search, and even says so directly on the EIP's website. Here's a quote directly from "The EIP partnered with CISA in 2020, both to help them understand rumors and disinformation around the 2020 election and so CISA could provide corrective and/or clarifying information from election officials."

Unlike the COVID lab leak theory, which isn't directly provable as of yet (although any intellectually honest individual will accurately claim that the preponderance of the evidence does lean in that direction), the partnership between the EIP and the government-run CISA is provable right now as I write this, and yet Mehdi Hasan has completely failed to issue a retraction on his show, or apologize to Matt Taibbi for making a false claim about his reporting on a so-called news network.

Journalist Lee Fang blew the lid off Hasan's bullshit from the other night, and goes into intricate detail of the partnership and incident on MSNBC on his substack blog. Props.

On another note, many other anti-establishment journalists and internet news shows are absolutely lambasting Mehdi Hasan for not only getting his facts wrong during his segment with Taibbi, but for being an all-around bad faith actor on many occasions. Robby Soave of Reason Magazine went off on Hasan's bullshit on an edition of Hill TV's Rising the other day, which we've taken the liberty of time-stamping and iFraming for your entertainment below.

As always, we'll certainly update this article if/when we hear back from Hasan for comment, but it seems he has already joined the ranks of other far-left leaning political commentators such as Sam Seder, Matt Binder, Rashad Richey and others who are too afraid to ever offer comment to us on our stories; not to mention we reached out to Mehdi Hasan a few days ago regarding our other story, and we never heard back.

Our advice to Mehdi: you're getting sloppy. Straighten up your act. If you're going to invite your colleagues on your show, not refute any of the actual substance of their stories and instead just nit-pick minute details in their articles, talk over them when they're trying to respond to your accusations, and just in general act and "debate" in bad faith, then at least get your fucking facts right, moron. 

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