Krystal Ball's Attacks On Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Were Appalling

Turd Ferguson • May 23, 2023

Krystal Ball doesn't want to debate RFK Jr.; oh wait, now she does... oh wait, she doesn't again...

Last week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made an appearance on YouTube news & commentary show Breaking Points, with Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball, and I don't think I've ever witnessed a more childish interview conducted by Krystal Ball, who self-defines as an "anti-establishment populist," but really sounds consistently more like an establishmentarian elitist.

And so was the case when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. went on their show to talk about his presidential campaign, and not vaccines, but Krystal Ball took the opportunity to play establishmentarian big-pharma shill, and accused RFK Jr. of being wrong about vaccines, but wouldn't let him defend himself against her accusations. The whole segment was pretty disgusting, and Ball acted completely journalistically unbecoming. 

In the moments Ball actually did let RFK talk, he totally wiped the floor with her and her ignorance, as RFK Jr. has written several books on the subject and is demonstrably far more informed on the issue than Ball is.

During the entire discussion, Saagar Enjeti kept his mouth shut, probably because he was either humiliated by Ball's behavior, knows absolutely nothing about what the non-establishment-approved studies actually say on the subject, or he was just too afraid to debate a man on a subject he's clearly outmatched on, or perhaps some combination of the three.

But I digress, during the "debate" (if you can call it that, because Krystal Ball consistently went back and forth on whether or not she actually wanted to debate him on the subject... during the segment), Ball falsely claimed there was only one study that ever proved that there's a correlation between vaccines and autism. On a side note, this is inherently and provably false, as there is a very clear correlation between the rise of vaccine use and autism; what's questioned is whether or not there's a causation. Ball continued to attack him after Kennedy Jr. mentioned his book about Thimerosal, without actually refuting anything in his book at all - which of course, she'd be unable to even if she tried, because she hasn't actually read it. Then, Ball had the gall to claim that the COVID vaccine was actually helping people survive COVID - something that's actually already provably untrue - as the data shows that the vaccinated are more likely to die of COVID than those who are unvaccinated.

Ball also passive-aggressively attacked him by asking him if he would endorse Donald Trump for the presidency if he wasn't nominated in the Democratic Primary... just because he happens to be against the Ukraine War. Oh God forbid! There's some minor overlap between Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s views on foreign policy and the big bad orange man! GASP!!!!

Thankfully, the real anti-establishmentarians on the internet lambasted Krystal Ball for her childish behavior during the segment, including Jimmy Dore on his own YouTube show, whom we admire, and who's been on the front line attacking the establishment for years - along with, dare we mention - us. 🙂

Krystal, if you end up reading this, we just have a quick message for you. Firstly, stop calling yourself anti-establishmentarian. You're clearly not. In fact, in your interview with RFK Jr., you proved yourself to be one of the biggest establishment-shills on the internet. Secondly, stick to what you're good at - putting on cute sundresses, painting your face, and looking sexy - because your journalistic skills are clearly lacking. And by the way, your smug face in the thumbnail of this article could be the subject of an entire Ending Politics article itself, but we'll leave it there.

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