Is 'Smile' The Scariest Movie Ever Made?

Turd Ferguson • Oct 12, 2022

This movie is absolutely terrifying.

Get ready to have a few nightmares. But after you see Smile, you just might not ever want to sleep again.

This movie is a perfect psychological horror... quite literally.

What do you do when your therapist goes absolutely insane? When the only person in the world you're truly supposed to be able to trust turns into a psychopath... you're completely alone. And alone is the last thing you'll want to be after you see this film.

It's actually a bit surprising how simple the plot of this movie is. This was a great artistic choice though, because it allows the audience to sink in and feel the fear directly flowing from the dialogue and the strange goings-on in each scene instead of getting distracted by a complex story line.

The story in a nutshell is simply this: After a very successful psychotherapist witnesses a young woman brutally commit suicide right in front of her, she goes completely insane herself... or does she? The audience struggles throughout the first half of the film trying to decide whether or not Rose Cotter (the main protagonist, played by Kevin Bacon's beautiful daughter, Sosie) is actually experiencing what they're seeing on the screen, or if it's all happening completely inside her head. Either way though, one thing's for sure - what she's experiencing is absolutely terrifying, and the audience experiences that terror right alongside her the entire way through.

The few jump scares that pop up occasionally throughout the film will certainly have your girlfriend jumping out of her seat, but the psychological horror in the film is what will truly give you nightmares.

This movie is gory, but every drop of blood is necessary. The gore in this film isn't in done in the taste of some post-Golden Age of the Halloween saga-fashion - it's there to scare you, not to make you laugh, and it works. And it's the same with the brutal violence in this film. There's no violence here that isn't intended to absolutely scare the shit out of you.

The brilliant cinematography and creepy soundtrack add even more eeriness to the film's already-terrifying atmosphere. The camera angles will leave you questioning reality in the same way the main protagonist does onscreen.

This film is absolutely horrifying from beginning to end, and we here at Ending Politics highly recommend it. If we were Siskel & Ebert, we'd give it two big thumbs up. And it'll make for a great date-night with your girlfriend or wife. Make sure you leave the kids at home though - they don't want to see this.

And now for the big question that's on everyone's mind (who's seen it so far): Is Smile the single-scariest movie ever made?

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