In a shockingly deplorable act of divisiveness, TYT Network's "Indisputable" host, Dr. Rashad Richey, actually smeared twelve-year-old children as racist on a recent edition of his show.
Richey deceptively took photographs out of context of a little league world series game to tell a fabricated story of racism for YouTube clicks and to pander to The Young Turks' progressive-leaning audience.
In the photograph Richey deceptively used to spread a racial narrative, the teammates of a young black child were putting white cotton balls on his head.
Without context, this may appear to be a racist act. But with context, it was completely harmless. Firstly, there were actually several children on the team that had white cotton balls put in their hair by their teammates, and none of it had anything to do with racism.
The reason why the little leaguers were putting cotton balls in each other's hair was to honor a competing Hawaiian player that had a dyed-white mohawk, who their whole team believed to be a great baseball player.
It's currently unclear whether or not Richey deceptively took this photo out of context to sow further political and racial division in this country, or if he just irresponsibly didn't do enough fact-checking before he reported the story on his show. Either way, this sort of journalistic malpractice is disgusting and reprehensible.
Richey's original 'Indisputable' segment can be viewed in its entirety here.
The child's mother assured the media that the little-leaguers were having fun and that there was no "ill-intent," as reported by The Daily Mail.
Rashad Richey has not yet issued a retraction on his show, despite a myriad of media outlets reporting the truth on the incident.
We reached out to Dr. Rashad Richey for comment, and as of this writing, we have not heard back.
Many of the teammates were participating, Black and white. They were imitating the stud pitcher from Hawaii who has an awesome white-dyed Mohawk. There’s a video where the player making headlines is flexing and smiling with the words “the new Jarron Lancaster”
— Author, K.E. Ganshert (@KEganshert) August 23, 2022