Ian Freeman Doesn't Deserve To Go To Prison. Here's Why.

Turd Ferguson • Jan 17, 2023

Ian Freeman may have broken the law... but he harmed no one.

Let me preface this article by saying I in no way condone what Ian Freeman has been accused of. I would never recommend anyone break the law – not because I care what the law is, but because I’m terrified of the consequences of breaking it. 

That said, Ian Freeman was unjustly targeted by the FBI for the “crimes” of selling Bitcoin without the permission of the federal government, and not paying taxes on the profits he made from the sales. 

A couple weeks ago, Freeman was found guilty of these accusations in a jury trial, and now faces what could be the rest of his life in a federal prison. 

Unlike Sam Bankman-Fried, who was recently arrested and accused of defrauding tens of thousands of people in a cryptocurrency scam, Ian Freeman has not been accused of defrauding anyone. He hasn’t been accused of stealing from anyone either, or harming anyone in any way for that matter.

So why was the FBI so upset about these “crimes” Ian Freeman was committing? It’s noteworthy that hundreds of thousands of people sell Bitcoin every single day without the permission of the federal government, and my guess is quite a bit of them don’t pay taxes on any capital gains they made on their investment. So why are they targeting Ian Freeman?

The simple truth of the matter is that the FBI and these federal prosecutors care not about Ian Freeman selling Bitcoin and not paying taxes on the sales he made. The truth is: they just hate Ian Freeman.

This isn’t the first time the FBI has targeted Freeman. Five years before the FBI’s raid on Ian Freeman’s Free Talk Live studio in 2021 to find evidence of “illegal Bitcoin transactions,” they had raided his studio claiming that someone had “accessed child pornography” from the Free Talk Live studio’s computers. It should be noted that a couple weeks before the raid in 2016, Free Talk Live broadcasted on nationally-syndicated airwaves that the FBI had been running multiple child pornography websites, and that the federal organization could quite possibly be the largest distributor of child pornography on the planet. Perhaps even more coincidentally, the FBI justified the raid at the time by claiming that the Free Talk Live’s studio IP address was logged on one of the child pornography websites the FBI itself was running. No evidence of child pornography was ever found on the seized computers from the Free Talk Live studio, and no charges were ever filed.

It wasn’t until five years later, in 2021, that Ian Freeman’s radio studio (located in his home in Keene, New Hampshire) was raided again and he was arrested for the “crimes” of selling Bitcoin without a government-issued permission slip and not paying taxes on the profits he made from the sales.

It seems as though the FBI went on a years-long fishing expedition trying to arrest Ian Freeman for literally anything that they could get away with. It’s also noteworthy that most of the initial evidence of the “crimes” he was accused of were found on the provenly-unnecessary seizure of the Free Talk Live computers five years earlier, on which once again, no evidence of child pornography was ever found.

Ian Freeman was never accused of defrauding anyone. He was never accused of running a cryptocurrency pump-and-dump scheme, never accused of stealing money from anyone, never accused of harming anyone in any way whatsoever.

The fact of the matter is the FBI and the federal government just hate Ian Freeman. They hate him, and his nationally-syndicated radio show, Free Talk Live. Freeman’s radio show has created hundreds of thousands of libertarians and federal government-skeptics over the course of a couple decades of its broadcast, and this is the real reason why Ian Freeman was targeted for prosecution and incarceration. That should shut him up!!!


The federal government’s prosecutors are now requesting the overseeing federal judge lock Freeman away in a federal prison for the vast majority of the rest of his life, after his guilty verdict was passed down by a federal jury. Does Freeman deserve such a punishment? Most would say probably not, and yet the federal government’s prosecutors are pushing for the maximum sentence anyway.

Ian Freeman currently has a pending appeal of his guilty verdict in a federal appellate court. Let’s hope an appellate judge recognizes the many legal flaws presented during the case, which are outlined thoroughly by Chris Wade at FreeKeene.com.

Ian Freeman doesn’t deserve to go to prison for the rest of his life. Doing so would be a horrible, condemnable injustice. 

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