Has Masculism Replaced Fourth Wave Feminism?

Turd Ferguson • Feb 07, 2023

Masculism may be the new gender philosophy of the counterculture.

For decades, those who called themselves "feminists" were considered intellectuals, and for good reason. They stood for something real. They stood for equality of opportunity for women, the same opportunities that men had. And they were right to stand for such a good cause.

But sometime in the early 2010s, "feminism" became something else. Those who called themselves "feminists" didn't stand for what the traditional feminist movement stood for. Instead of equality of opportunity, they stood for equity in opportunity. Instead of women's rights, they stood for intolerance of men. Instead of being intellectual, they became annoying and offensive. It seemed a new form of feminism had replaced the once highly-respected movement - and so it came to be known as: Fourth Wave Feminism.

Fourth wave feminism sucks. Those who (have the gall to) call themselves fourth wave feminists usually fit a pretty ugly stereotype: An angry, blue-haired, and usually rapidly-aging woman who's probably at least a few pounds overweight, and most-likely hasn't been laid in years, and they hate men, even if they don't exactly know why. But they were told to hate men in their lesbian basket weaving classes in their private liberal arts colleges, and so they do, and more than you could ever possibly imagine. They hate everything about men. They hate ambitious men. They hate men that go to the gym every day. They hate men with high testosterone levels (especially the last one).

But out of this terribly-annoying new-age gender philosophy, a new gender philosophy seemed to blossom. It's the antithesis of fourth wave feminism in almost every way imaginable, and it's known as masculism (or masculinism for the vernacular).

Surprisingly, a large portion of people who consider themselves "masculinists" are actually women - and usually the same type of big-hearted women who would have once considered themselves feminists (of the first & second, and some, even the third wave). Many of these women have noticed that a lot of men (particularly in the younger generations) are seemingly in a state of crisis. They've noticed that women outnumber men in higher education by about a 20% differential. They've noticed that the American court system is stacked against men in civil divorce cases. They've noticed that the vast majority of domestic violence shelters do not accept men into their facilities at all. They've noticed that men become drug-addicted and commit suicide at dramatically higher rates than women. They've noticed that today's men in western society are lost, and their hearts hurt for them.

America needs more of these women, to stand up for the lost masculine souls of western society. And unlike masculism's fourth wave counterpart, which doesn't allow men anywhere near it (unless they're the weakest of the weak - the sort of man that agrees to take the woman's last name in marriage), these women are welcome in the masculist movement.

Most surprisingly though, is these women that consider themselves masculists seem to be far-more counterculture then their fourth wave feminist counterparts, whom for the most part, seem like your run-of-the-mill establishment #VoteBlueNoMatterWho Democrats. Women who consider themselves masculists, however, seem to vibe closer to the punk rock movement of the '70s. You're far more likely to find a masculist woman to be against the war on drugs, vote for an anti-authoritarian candidate, and wearing a vintage Nirvana tee shirt than their fourth wave feminist counterparts (and dare I say, the masculist women are generally-speaking far more physically attractive too). This should come as a surprise to many, as it used to be feminists that would be the more counterculture than the non-feminists. This is not the case today in the 2020s.

Traditionally, it's supposed to be the younger generations that consider themselves the "counterculture." But right now, it seems that the fourth wave feminists still outnumber the masculists - although I don't think that will be the case for much longer. In particular, the more younger-generation women that ditch fourth wave feminism (and in turn, lose weight and begin living healthier lifestyles, because they'll be happier overall) for masculism, the more this new counterculture phenomenon will begin to tip the scales. Also, the larger the masculist movement becomes - much like the feminist movement of old - the more stable our society will become, and men's rights will be recognized once again; and this will create a domino effect in the rest of western society. Courts overseeing civil divorce proceedings will begin to view men and women equally. Men will start to return to secondary education. Men will become the primary bread-winners of households again, and their suicide & drug addiction rates will decline. And women will be happier also, because they will once again have partners who are masculine & confident, and who are deserving of their love & respect.

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