The Branch Covidians Have Begun Apologizing For Their Wrongdoings

Turd Ferguson • Feb 03, 2023

Do they even deserve our forgiveness?

Nearly three years after the "Two Weeks to Slow the Spread" campaign began, we're now able to take an objective look back at the past few years, and determine who was truly right and who was embarrassingly wrong.

It's quite clear now that the dissenters, the people who spoke out against lockdowns, mask mandates, and COVID-authoritarianism were right (regarding just about everything they said), and the Branch Covidians, who for three years, mentally masturbated to locking down the global economy, Third Reich-style forced vaccinations, and the generalized suffering of innocent people, were very clearly wrong.

But almost three years in, many of these Branch Covidians have realized the error of their ways and surprisingly, have begun to apologize.

For instance, one of the original Branch Covidians, CNN analyst Dr. Leana Wen, joined the side of good close to a year ago now and came out as a conscientious objector to the Branch Covidian religion. But Dr. Wen found out very quickly that the one thing you're not allowed to do as a left-leaning individual is question that which shalt not be questioned, the great religion of Branch Covidianism. Enter all the puritans that now want her cancelled for her wrongdoing of questioning that which shalt not be questioned.

But after Dr. Wen went on CNN a couple weeks ago and claimed (accurately) that the CDC was over-counting COVID deaths, lefty heads began exploding. How dare you even suggest that not every single death counted in this country in the past three years was primarily caused by COVID-19, Dr. Wen?!!

Dr. Wen wrote this article in the Washington Post a couple weeks ago which accurately suggests that the CDC is being insincere about how many people are actually dying from COVID, and not being honest about how many COVID deaths might be secondary causes or completely incidental.

Little cuck Benjamin Mazer almost shat his pants a couple weeks ago after Dr. Leana Wen appeared on CNN to tell the truth, and wrote this ridiculous tweet:

You need to call me, Dr. Wen!!! We need to have a little talk!!! We don't need to speculate, because we have publicly-available data!!! It's noteworthy that we actually don't have the data he asserted we have in his tweet, as fact-checked by Saagar Enjeti of Breaking Points.

Then MSNBC's Saturday night cuck, Mehdi Hasan, who's probably the single-most intolerable man on network television on the planet and rarely says anything that can be taken seriously, chimed in with his garbage take on Twitter:

To be fair, one has to give Hasan some credit, as he used some of the greatest insults you can ever call someone who leans left politically: RIGHTWINGER!!! COVID DENIALIST!!! CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!!

Of course, the rest of his take is absolute garbage. And he incorrectly states that what Dr. Wen said on CNN was "debunked" by an angry little man named Jeremy Faust; but after a close inspection of this "debunking," he actually doesn't debunk what Dr. Wen says in his article - and even sometimes concedes that she's correct. For example, this is a quote directly from Faust's "debunk" article: "As you can see above, [over-counting COVID deaths] has happened at some times during the pandemic (albeit not often)."

But Dr. Wen isn't the only former-Branch Covidian to see the light. Kevin Bass, who is a PhD student and medical researcher, and former-Branch Covidian, wrote a great piece in Newsweek about a week ago, in which he admits and seeks repentance for his wrongdoings. "I was wrong. We in the scientific community were wrong. And it cost lives," wrote Bass.

Yes, Bass was incorrect, but I think a man that has the cojones to admit when he's wrong deserves respect. Especially after being particularly adamant about an incorrect assumption, it can be tough to admit being wrong afterwards.

Bass also wrote, "I can see now that the scientific community from the CDC to the WHO to the FDA and their representatives, repeatedly overstated the evidence and misled the public about its own views and policies, including on natural vs. artificial immunityschool closures and disease transmissionaerosol spreadmask mandates, and vaccine effectiveness and safety, especially among the young."

So all this leads us to the big $64,000 question: Do we forgive the men and women who were so wrong about COVID? Bass was correct when he wrote that at least some of their incorrect assumptions costed lives. But lives weren't even all it costed. It costed our children's education and mental well-being. It costed economic pain and suffering. It costed businesses and livelihoods that will never reopen. How do you forgive people who costed us so much?

I think the right answer here is, some of them deserve forgiveness and some of them don't. Who will get it and who won't should be taken on a case-by-case basis. Does Dr. Wen deserve forgiveness? I would say almost certainly. On the other hand, does Dr. Fauci deserve forgiveness? I would say almost certainly not.

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