Dr. Fauci Should Be Held Accountable For Lying About COVID Origins

Turd Ferguson • Feb 28, 2023

Dr. Fauci is a disgraceful liar.

The headlines have completely blown up this week, after the U.S. Energy Dept. concluded that the coronavirus that has run rampant across the globe for the past few years likely originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

This finding comes years after the "lab leak theory" (as it's known colloquially) was branded as a "racist conspiracy theory" by the mainstream media and many on the left.

Despite the fact that this "lab leak theory" is now all but proven, the many mainstream media talking-heads still have yet to apologize for their despicable attacks on their fellow Americans, as well as one Dr. Anthony Fauci, former (and now disgraced) head of the NIAID and frontman for the coronavirus task force, whose dishonesty over the past few years created yet another rift in the ever-expanding political divide in America.

Despite the fact that figuring out where the coronavirus originated should not be a political issue in any way whatsoever, Dr. Anthony Fauci used his power to influence the mainstream media to weaponize the "lab leak theory" against their right-wing political opponents, despite it not actually being an exclusively right-wing hypothesis. In fact, for years now, many prominent left-wing figures have hypothesized that coronavirus came from a lab including Bret Weinstein, Jon Stewart, and Jimmy Dore.

But the "lab leak theory" was weaponized by establishment left-wing media; at the beginning, probably to discredit Donald Trump and weaken his chances for reelection, but then continued most likely to prop up Dr. Anthony Fauci's legitimacy as Chief Medical Advisor, despite rapidly increasing pressure and scrutiny from his opposers, most-notably Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who also happens to be a medical doctor. Rand Paul's scraps with Dr. Fauci during the Committee of Health hearings have become quite popular on YouTube, normally due to Dr. Fauci's child-like temper loss.

But Rand Paul's questions for Fauci during these hearings were appropriate and necessary. Dr. Fauci, at the time, was advocating for continuous economy-crushing lockdowns, unnecessary mask-wearing and vaccine mandates. And, he continued to hide his knowledge of a probable coronavirus lab leak, where the coronavirus most likely originated. He also provably committed perjury at these senate hearings, claiming that the NIH was not funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, a claim that has been refuted by the NIH itself. Dr. Fauci's temper tantrums were uncalled for, and only raises further suspicion of wrongdoing. Why would he get so mad if he'd done nothing wrong?

But most egregiously, Dr. Fauci denied knowledge of a probable lab leak in Wuhan, which he'd been privied to at the beginning of the pandemic in his briefings, which were almost certainly intentionally kept private due to his own self-interest in the briefings. Dr. Fauci undermined the American public's trust in him when he tried to cover his own ass, as well as his good friend's Dr. Peter Daszak, in their unscientific and biased efforts to disprove the highly credible lab leak theory. Even though we have documented evidence this, Dr. Anthony Fauci has abdicated his responsibility to apologize and set the record straight, perhaps because he knows coming clean about his wrongdoings would open him up to potential criminal & civil liability. This shouldn't matter though, Dr. Fauci has a civic duty to tell the public the truth, and to admit his mistakes when he makes them. He's disgracefully failed to do both of these and should be held accountable for his actions - not only for his initial wrongdoing of funding illegal gain-of-function research in Wuhan and then perjuring himself in front of Congress, but also for weaponizing the mainstream media and American-left against his dissenters for hypothesizing (probably correctly) that the coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan.

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