'Cocaine Bear' Is Highly Entertaining With Lots Of Cheap Thrills

Turd Ferguson • Feb 28, 2023

'Cocaine Bear' is a fun action film with lots of cheap thrills and comedic relief

'Cocaine Bear' is a fun thrill-ride with lots of comic relief that will make for a great date night out with your significant other. A warning in advance: this article may contain some spoilers.

Simply put, the film follows a mother and a couple drug dealers that venture into the woods looking for her daughter and her friend, and their boss' lost cocaine, respectively.

Ice Cube's son, O'Shea Jackson Jr. as "Daveed" was definitely the film's standout performance, along with the late Ray Liotta playing "Syd White," the primary supporting character.

This film has a ton of cheap thrills, which usually consist of the primary titular antagonist, a bear that's very high on cocaine, violently tearing people apart.

There were several very memorable action sequences in this film, all of which are hilarious. From a failed police officer turned park ranger accidentally blowing the brains right out of a teenager's head while trying to hide from the bear, to an environmentalist getting his leg torn off and dropped dozens of feet from a tree, to the same park ranger being inertially thrown from a speeding ambulance to a violent death that ends with her bloody corpse smeared all over a nearby country road.

The bear's behavior while jacked up on cocaine is absolutely hysterical. By the end of the movie, the bear had ingested enough cocaine to kill Pablo Escobar a couple dozen times over. Some of the best laughs in the movie come from watching the wild-eyed bear ingest cocaine, which we learn early on in the movie that she clearly loves (we also eventually learn that the bear is in fact a female, after she crashed and passed out with her vagina on the face of "Eddie," one of the main characters).

It's also hilarious to watch two teenagers try cocaine for the first time in their lives. I enjoyed a belly-aching laugh after hearing "Henry," the male teen, recommend his friend "Dee Dee" try about "a teaspoon full" of cocaine, while trying to sound like an experienced drug user in order to impress her. Taking his advice, Dee Dee pulls out a heaping scoop of cocaine out of the brick kilo they found in the woods using Henry's pocketknife, attempts to orally ingest it, and spits out most of it due to the bitter taste of it which she clearly didn't expect.

And, one of the most memorable scenes starts around the beginning of the third act, when an interestingly comedic standoff between drug dealers Daveed and Eddie, and a detective looking to bring down Syd White, after they arrive at a suspected landing point of one of the cocaine-filled duffel bags... which is of course eventually interrupted by the bear, who at this point is very intoxicated, as well as Syd White himself.

This movie is a thrill-ride until the last moments, when the ending scenes seem to play out satisfyingly well... and almost... touching, in a way. Do yourself a favor and go see it, as it will serve as a great end to your work week this Friday night.

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