The David Pakman - Sam Seder War Was Hysterically Funny

Turd Ferguson • Mar 02, 2023

The Pakman/Seder war is funny and unbearably stupid at the same time.

I love watching lefties tear each other apart - I think it's hilarious. One of the funniest examples of this of all time was watching David Pakman and Sam Seder tear each other apart on YouTube.

It's difficult to figure out exactly when, why, and how the war between these two started, but based on our research here at Ending Politics, it seems like it only started because Sam Seder believed David Pakman had effectively stolen his "backdrop" style from his show (We know, we know, it's fucking absolutely ridiculous).  Why Sam Seder gives two shits about this at all deserves an investigation and article all-its-own, but I digress... Both of these guys are so tremendously stupid it's hard for me to determine whose side I'm on in this little scuffle they're having.

We've taken the liberty of iFraming a silly but funny video that sums up the beginning of this little "war" below. It's certainly much longer than it needs to be - as in true Sam Seder fashion, he drags out a joke that's really-not-all-that-funny in a video about 4 or 5 times longer than it should be.

But this war expanded hilariously when Sam Seder started to believe that David Pakman was purchasing subscriber bots for his YouTube channel. Much like the former, how Sam Seder could possibly care so much about something so minuscule deserves another investigation and article all-its-own, but I digress once again...

In the following clip which we've again taken the liberty of iFraming below, Sam Seder claims that "something fishy going on" with his "subscriber numbers," and then he illustrates on a piece of paper how he believes David Pakman's subscriber count should increase graphically. Sam Seder then insists someone should "investigate" David Pakman's YouTube channel subscriber numbers. Again, why and how Sam Seder could possibly give a shit about any of this is a mystery, but he certainly seemed quite angry about it.

Sam Seder then goes on a short, unfunny rant at the end claiming that David Pakman "slandered" him, which in all actuality, I can't determine whether he was joking about or not, given Sam Seder's frequent disingenuousness, as well as the fact that his jokes are never actually funnier then anything else he says. If he wasn't joking, and genuinely believed what Pakman said was slanderous, then I wonder just how easily Kyle Rittenhouse could win a defamation lawsuit against Seder for his irresponsible coverage of the Kenosha incident over the past couple years.

One of the funniest parts of the clips above though, is when Sam Seder claims that if he were to invite David Pakman onto his show, David Pakman would "steal" his subscribers. After thorough research here at EP, we're still not quite sure how one YouTuber can "steal subscribers" from another, as it's completely possible for one person to be subscribed to both Pakman's and Seder's channel simultaneously. But even if there wasn't, a "subscriber" is of course in no way a piece of property Sam Seder could legally claim belonged to him, therefore making it impossible to "steal" one. Didn't Sam Seder go to law school? What the fuck do they teach in law school these days?

But perhaps the funniest part of this YouTube "war," is that David Pakman, for some reason, actually took all this seriously enough to respond to this childish nonsense. We went ahead and iFramed one such clip from the David Pakman Show below for your entertainment.

On a side note, I almost spit my coffee all over my laptop screen when Pakman claims Seder's behavior is "very Trump-ian." HA!

And on yet another side note, the stupidity of the progressive-left never ceases to amaze me, as one mutual fan of theirs left a comment on the video above while he was blowing massive amounts of copium up his nose, because his two all-time favorite YouTubers were... GASP... feuding with each other! Yes, zipp930, the world as you know it is coming to an end! "No, this can't be real," zipp930 thought, "It's impossible for two super-smart progressives to ever dislike each other!"

I found this entire childish feud between Seder and Pakman to be absolutely hilarious, and I still can't fathom that two people could fight over such ridiculous nonsense, but here we are, able to watch all of it right on YouTube! I love watching the progressive regressives tear each other apart - it absolutely never gets old!!!

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