Climate Change Activists Don't Seem To Care About East Palestine

Turd Ferguson • Feb 25, 2023

In the aftermath of the catastrophe in East Palestine, climate activists are still nowhere to be found.

At the time of this writing, it's been almost 3 weeks since the catastrophic train derailment in Ohio, and the disaster has been absolutely devastating to the environment and citizens of East Palestine and beyond.

Perhaps the biggest environmental casualty has been the Ohio River water that runs through East Palestine. How much this disaster will pollute the rest of the Ohio River is still unknown, although it's likely that everything that runs downstream from where the event occurred will be affected in some way.

Currently, the mainstream media has been running interference for the government's pathetic, sub-par response to the disaster, claiming that "more testing is needed" to determine whether or not East Palestine's water supply has been affected, even though we already have photographic evidence of water that has been polluted from the hazardous chemicals released from the train derailment.

Of course, it's an absolutely absurd claim that "more testing is needed" to determine whether or not East Palestine's water was polluted when we have photographic evidence of pollutants in the water, but mainstream news outlets like ABC have no issue pushing this sort of offensive propaganda on behalf of the United States government. Interestingly enough though, it seems to be mostly left-leaning people and news outlets making excuses for the U.S. government's poor response to this environmental disaster. Traditionally, the American left has been far more politically active for environmental issues than the right. So why are they making excuses for the government's poor response to this?

Personally, I can only surmise that the American left has been unexpectedly silent on this issue because the disaster and poor response to it happened on a Democrat president's watch, and not a Republican's. I can't even imagine how vocal the American left would have been had all this happened on the watch of former POTUS Donald Trump. My bet is that ABC certainly would not have claimed that "more testing is needed" to determine whether or not East Palestine's water supply was polluted if it happened during the Trump presidency. In fact, my bet is that they would've used the exact photos in their newscasts that environmental activist Erin Brockovich posted to her Twitter account earlier today (From our research, it seems Erin Brockovich is the only popular environmental activist to visit East Palestine, or even mention the incident at all).

But of all the mainstream climate activists who have accumulated quite a large amount of wealth and fame specifically for their vocal stances on climate change, the loudest silence seems to come from 20-year-old Greta Thunberg, who according to Finty, has accumulated an estimated net worth of $1 million, presumably exclusively from her vocal stance on climate change. At the time of this writing, not only has Greta Thunberg not visited East Palestine, but has been completely silent on the issue. We cannot find a single statement from her made anywhere on the internet regarding the disaster. Interestingly enough though, she was able to make a statement regarding money allocation to climate change efforts 10 days after the catastrophe, with no mention of the incident whatsoever, according to The Hill. But hilariously (or not so hilariously), she did find time while making her statement to complain about governments not allocating enough resources to climate change in their COVID-19 relief packages (which were meant specifically to keep small businesses and families afloat during government-mandated lockdowns). This made her silence on the disaster in East Palestine all the louder. We reached out to The Greta Thunberg Foundation for comment, and as of this writing, we haven't heard back. We will update this article if/when we do.

But the single-most offensive climate activist silence came from the Joe Biden administration itself. Many of his cabinet members also happened to be his political opponents for the Democratic nomination just a few years earlier, and all of whom ranted and raved about environmentalism during their campaigns. Turns out when the rubber hits the road, none of them actually care very much. In fact, earlier today, Joe Biden told the White House press that he had no intention of visiting East Palestine at all.

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has visited East Palestine though, granted extremely late. He didn't even arrive in East Palestine until yesterday, 20 days after the disaster occurred. Buttigieg's appearance in East Palestine was also extraordinarily offensive, as he avoided some questions from the press altogether, and his press secretary (the secretary of the secretary) actually insisted a reporter turn off her camera before she'd offer a statement to her, claiming she thought the reporter questioning her on camera was "a little bit aggressive."

When Secretary Pete Buttigieg did offer a public statement to the press, it could only be described as vague and political, at best. He said "we've been here from the first hours of the incident..." We're not sure what he means by "we," because it took him a good 20 days to arrive in East Palestine after the incident. Then, Buttigieg's team had the gall to put this incredibly offensive video clip on his Twitter account, which we've taken the liberty of posting below.

We should also note that Secretary Buttigieg pushed the blame entirely on Norfolk Southern (the logistics company that owned the train that derailed), and took no responsibility for the extremely dangerous condition of the railroad tracks in Ohio, despite Congress passing a one-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill in November 2021 (of which, a good chunk actually wasn't allocated to infrastructure).

It seems that the climate change activists' silence on the disaster in East Palestine is entirely political. It's too much of a coincidence that their silence on a major environmental disaster just happens to come at a time when it would be extremely politically-inconvenient for them. The more time that goes by without hearing from the climate activists regarding this disaster, the more apparent it becomes that they're only interested in advocating for environmental well-being when it involves spending money for the cause (especially when the federal reserve has to print it to meet their political demands), or when it's politically convenient for the Democratic National Committee.

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