The Death Of OnlyFans

Turd Ferguson • Jul 10, 2024

Like many fads, the era of OnlyFans is now but a distant memory.

I've been wanting to write this article for a few weeks now, but unlike many subjects I write about on this blog, I've actually been hesitant to, for a number of reasons. First, I actually generally don't like critiquing the free market, because it's merely the product of hundreds of millions of brilliant minds, and many of whom are far brighter than myself. The second reason is, I in no way want to be associated with the "red pill" community (which I now colloquially refer to as the "black pill" community for a number of reasons) which has a long history of (and has seemingly built an entire culture around) criticizing OnlyFans creators. And the third reason is, I actually feel quite bad for a lot of the women that started OnlyFans accounts, only to find out that the experience resembles nothing at all what they were told it was, and ended up selling photos and videos of the temples that are their bodies for a pittance.

I came across a fascinating article about a month ago by a young woman named Makayla Samountry, who interestingly, has actually made quite a bit more money off the platform than most other young women, but like many others, the skyrocketing amounts of revenue and the dopamine releases many young OnlyFans "content creators" get when see they're getting rich on paper, quickly faded like one of the many Bitcoin bubble bursts we've seen over the past decade.

In her article, she describes how she collectively made almost a quarter million dollars over the past few years selling "content" on the platform. And then, just last month, she couldn't even rake in $1,000 in a month. Not great money, considering you could easily make more than half that just selling your blood in this economy, and not have to talk to any creeps or show them your butthole.

My takeaway from this article is that Samountry, like many other young women, felt duped by the marketing hype - the Instagram pictures of twenty-some year old women buying fancy cars, dream houses, dogs with pedigrees - which seemingly turns out to be just as cheap marketing as Tai Lopez's "here in my garage with my Lamborghini" video is to young men.

The even sadder fact of the matter is, as these women get older, and their faces and bodies start to wrinkle, and OnlyFans' buyer-base continues to shrink while the seller-base continues to expand (another business-crushing effect of the dynamics of supply and demand), even these young beautiful women will learn - and learn much harder and more painfully than most - that all good things must come to an end. Unless these young women paid for their mansions and Porsches in cash, many of them will soon find themselves defaulting on their mortgages and car payments as their monthly residual subscriber fees dry up. Now granted, some of them that already worked as escorts before OnlyFans may be able to (or should I say, "willing to") provide "favors" to the repo-men coming for their cars... but the bankers coming for their homes will, rest assured, not accept such "favors" (especially the very rich ones who already have beautiful wives and who've gotten quite rich off the Fed's loose monetary policy).

The saddest part is that once these women are out fresh out of that sweet OnlyFans passive income, they have little to no subscribers, and now they need to find real work to support themselves, many managers will be unwilling to hire them. Regardless of whether or not one thinks this is "fair" doesn't matter - the truth is, there's no law prohibiting a manager from not hiring someone because they worked in the porn industry. And even if there was, history has demonstrated that these laws have probably little to no real effect on the hiring practices in the private sector anyway. Still, some of these women may be able to snag up a good, handsome man to marry and be taken care of - maybe start a family, raise kids, and live happily ever after - but for others, it will almost certainly not work out this way. And let's face it, how many men want to put the ring on the finger of a woman whom they perceive to be an "ex-porn star?" My guess is the market for that sort of thing is probably pretty niche, to put it mildly. And let's be honest with ourselves, I haven't heard of a single OnlyFans "content creator" in the entire world, not even a single anecdote, who ended up marrying one of her subscribers (these men aren't exactly what one might call "high value").

Yet another problem with the business model over at OF HQ: they openly admit that the creator count is increasing faster than the subscriber count. Not exactly the sort of supply and demand dynamic one would want in that sort of business.

And one thing you'll never hear about: even before taxes, these women are actually only earning 80 cents on every dollar spent with them, because OnlyFans takes a 20% cut of every single transaction it processes. That's a pretty good scam they've got running over there, considering none of their executives have ever had to show their own buttholes to anyone on the internet. They instead just take a 20% cut of every woman's butthole shown on the site. Classy.

But here's some really interesting data: because there are so many young women that have joined the platform as creators, and buyers have leveled off dramatically, the ratio of fans to creators is now only 75! Now realistically we know that most women on the site will never have 75 fans at one time, because most are probably going to the top 10% of accounts, but let's do a best-case scenario on the math here. According to Scrile, the average OnlyFans monthly subscriber cost is between 10 and 15 dollars (How is the average "between" two numbers by the way?!? That's really not how math works.), but let's take the high end for the best-case scenario in this hypothetical. $15 times 75 fans, for the dead average OnlyFans creator... is only $1,125/mo. You can't even pay a mortgage with that in this economy! No wonder so many young women are deciding this just isn't worth it!

Another new force working against OnlyFans models though - and I know I criticized it in the first paragraph, but it does seem to be an effective force, nonetheless - is the red pill community. Many of these red pill creators are (rightfully and honestly) convincing their audiences to delete their OnlyFans buyer accounts. Some red pill influencers (some have some pretty funny and entertaining names for "OnlyFans" too; for example, one notable red pill influencer named "Better Bachelor" calls it "OnlyFools") tell their primarily-male audiences that men who purchase OnlyFans content are "weak" and "emasculated," and that the women they're giving their hard-earned money to would never in a million years date them in real life (are they actually wrong about any of this?). Some of these red pill influencers have hundreds of thousands of subscribers (and some in the millions) on YouTube and other social media platforms. With that level of influence, it's hard to wonder why the number of men buying OnlyFans subscriptions is declining.

And it's hard not to talk about the economics behind the rise of OnlyFans, since that's what we do here on this blog. As we've said many, many times here on, government stimulus rarely helps to grow a healthy, robust economy. Instead, fiscal stimulus and artificially low interest rates do nothing except get people high on cheap money, which fuels these enormous boom-bust business cycles and price bubbles. And so it was with OnlyFans. The rise of this platform peaked in the early days of the pandemic, when money was being given out like false promises from a politician, which fueled the OnlyFans price bubble. Now that the free money has dried up, and has done nothing except fuel inflationary pressure in this country, OnlyFans creators are left out to dry. It's easy to pay $15 to see the cute young girl that serves you your coffee at Starbucks naked when you were just handed a $1200 stimmy check,  but when you're struggling to afford food because the price is hundreds of percents higher than it was just a few short years ago, you're going to have to make a choice: your stomach, or your peepee.

I struggle to put into words just how ridiculous this trend has been over the past few years, as well as how fucked up this entire situation is, and how bad I feel for these young women who were promised the world for the "small" (or perhaps not so much) price of simply showing their naked bodies on the internet. I really don't want to, or even like, saying these women were "taken advantage of," because in truth, they are all adults and therefore are responsible for their own decisions... but...

With all the bullshit marketing hype that fueled the rapid increase in OnlyFans creators (which I'm sure was at least partially, if not mostly, astro-turfed from the OnlyFans executives themselves), I do get the sense that a lot of these young women were sold a bill of goods to enrich a small few corporate fat cats. And now, they've been hung out to dry by the same assholes they used their temples (bodies) to enrich. This will be a tough lesson for society to have learned when it's all said and done, though quite possibly a necessary one - I just feel bad for all the casualties it will have incurred in the process.



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