How The Federal Reserve Secretly Impoverishes The American People

Turd Ferguson • May 12, 2024

The Federal Reserve operates in secret behind closed doors, with minimal oversight, is privately-owned, and impoverishes the American people through bad monetary policy that enriches a select few at the expense of the rest of us.

We've written in length about the economy, inflation, and the nature of the Fed on this blog (more or less, from a very anti-establishmentarian viewpoint; but let's be honest, we've done little to try to hide our bias). And it seems that the articles we write on economics on this blog seem to get quite a bit of attention, based on our analytics.

Recently, comedian Jimmy Dore invited several high-profile economists on his show to discuss Modern Monetary Theory during a longer-than-usual segment on his afternoon live show (which is actually not in the slightest bit modern, but highly theoretical). To his credit, the economists he invited on his show made some pretty good points (including guys whom we'd normally criticize, like Professor Richard Wolff). The segment, which was chopped up into smaller segments and posted on The Jimmy Dore Show YouTube channel this afternoon, has already been met with a great amount of praise from the audience. And Dore, who is certainly a leftie, but an honest one and is very anti-establishmentarian, as well as his newly-found skepticism of the Federal Reserve's "trustworthiness" and the integrity of the fractional reserve banking system, is what inspired today's article.

The origin of the Federal Reserve is already extraordinarily shady, ignoring all the inflation, bad monetary policy, enriched elites, and impoverished Americans that it's created since then. An entire book has already been an entire book written about it, but the short version is: there was a secret meeting held in Glynn County, Georgia in 1910, three years before the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in December 1913. The men in attendance of this secret meeting were limited (and very exclusive, as you might have guessed) and included elites such as U.S. Senator Nelson Aldrich, J.P. Morgan executive Henry P. Davidson, and financier Paul Warburg, among others. Together, this small group of shady elites, on this fateful day in 1910, would decide the future of America's monetary policy. Sound like something out of a movie? You don't even know the half of it... and it's 100% true!

Fast forward 114 years: the American dollar has been devalued into oblivion - so much so that Americans have been completely impoverished by the very real phenomenon of too many dollars chasing too few goods. The unemployment numbers have been cooked so much to hide the Fed's failings, that the end product looks like a dried-out, over-seasoned NY strip in the pan of a Hell's Kitchen contestant. And somehow, the American people still seem to have no idea why they're so broke.

It's arguably a good thing that this stuff is so complicated though - because some economists (that are actually worth a snot, which aren't too many these days) believe if the American people understood what's actually happening to their money, there would be rioting in the streets.

But, the way the Federal Reserve monetizes U.S. debt is intentionally complicated - it's a feature, not a bug - so that most Americans aren't able to wrap their heads around what a scam it actually is.

Most people don't know that the Federal Reserve Bank actually isn't owned by the American people. Whenever I have this discussion with your typical mouth-breathing, socialism-loving normie, they usually call me a "conspiracy theorist," or something to that effect. The only problem is: it's 100% true. Now, Google has effectively done its best to hide the truth from you on their front page listings, but using a real search engine that doesn't artificially manipulate its search results will turn up all the evidence you'll need. Though, I'd argue that there are many more private investors of the Federal Reserve Bank than we even know about, and a good many of them, I'd bet, are far sketchier than just the members of the banking cartel.

So as you've probably figured out by now, this privately-owned entity we know as the Central Bank is authorized by the U.S. federal government to issue the currency with which American citizens are forced to settle transactions and pay taxes. But it gets far, far shadier than this very surface-level fact. In fact, as you probably also already know (instinctively, but perhaps not logically... yet) we Americans have no right to just have this currency issued by a privately-owned entity. If we "want" this currency (and by "want," I actually mean "forced to use," because let's be honest with ourselves, no one would want this trash we call fiat currency, that by the Fed's own plan, loses 2% of its value every year anyway, unless we were forced to use it at the threat of a gun), then we have to borrow it... from this privately-owned entity. When you borrow money, the lender almost always wants to make money from his act of loaning money to you - which actually does makes sense, I mean, why should anyone loan you money for free? But so is also the case with the Fed - we're forced to use this currency by threat of a gun, that inherently loses at least 2% of its value every year whether we like it or not, and pay back the money at interest, to the same private-entity that just gets to print the money out of thin air!

Ah yes, it's a beautiful thing, isn't it?!

Once you wrap your head around what a scam this is - that the United States Federal Government has granted the right to a privately-owned entity, to issue a currency that it created itself, to the American people at interest - is when the entire proverbial ball of yarn will unravel. You've got it!

Now that you get the gist of the scam, it's important we detail how the Fed actually does this. When the federal government needs money, whether it be to start illegal wars with tanks it purchases from privately-owned defense contractors (who want the same wars the congresspeople you hire to supposedly make your life better want), or to jail peaceful, innocent people from possessing a chemical substance the government pretends not to like so they can hire a bunch federal cops that we would otherwise not need, or to pay some nerdy, midget bureaucrat at a three-letter agency that starts with "I" to review all your paystubs from the last fiscal year with a fine-tooth comb, it issues a "security" (which is just a fancy word for debt). In other words, the government sells an I.O.U. (in the forms of treasuries, notes, bonds, among others) to "investors," which obviously often include everyday people like yourself. Then the Federal Reserve Bank engages in "open market operations" and purchases this government debt in the open market from the people just like yourself, in the open financial markets (but we here at also believe that very often, the federal government just sells its debt directly to the Federal Reserve so they don't have to engage in free market operations at all; but that's an article for another day) using the currency they print themselves (and keep in mind, as they print this money, the value of all the currency already in circulation decreases via the laws of supply and demand, increasing the cost to you at your local gas station gas pump, or for your food at your local grocery store, or for the relaxing Jägerbomb you'll drink at your local bar this coming weekend, etc.), that we the American people need to pay back - not to the government, but to the privately-owned entity we call the Federal Reserve Bank - with interest. This is, quite possibly, the biggest scam that's ever been concocted in human history.

On a side note, we should also mention that the same elites who are already collecting interest on the debt they're monetizing with money they print themselves, don't really dislike inflation the way the rest of us do. Quite the contrary actually. When inflation hits, it affects everything in the economy, not just the basket of goods in the CPI the Bureau of Economic Analysis pretends it does. Think about it, if you buy an apartment building and rent all rooms out to a bunch of kulaks like us (who won't own anything, and like it, as Klaus Schwab so succinctly puts it) for $10,000,000, and then inflation skyrockets 20% over say, the course of 3 years after a scamdemic, then theoretically, you've just added $2M in value to your asset that was only worth $10M when you bought it. So, your new apartment building that's now valued at $12,000,000 has just added about $2M more net worth to your person. Congratulations, douche bag! But wait, that's not all! Let's say, for the sake of argument, you took out a loan for that apartment building, instead of paying cash for it. Since your debt is denominated in American dollars as all loans made in the U.S. tend to be, the inflation we've seen has also devalued the dollar value of your loan, along with all the other dollars in circulation. So now, not only has the value of your asset artificially skyrocketed from inflation, but now the debt you owe on it is significantly easier for you to pay off, too! Wow, what a magnificent scam you've got running there, you fucking piece of shit, you!

Now at this point, I'm sure your head is probably spinning a little bit. Rest assured, we're just scratching the surface here (and by the way, feel free to fact-check anything we've written in this article via a search engine that isn't controlled by a bunch of establishmentarian hacks *i.e. Google*). You may be asking yourself right now: "But this isn't legitimate! It's a total scam! Can't we just default on such a fraudulent scheme that was clearly designed to enrich a bunch of elites at the expense of the American middle class??!!?"

Well, I'm glad you asked, kulak! Because the answer is... not legally, we can't!

The central bank elites and their chums on the inside already thought of this a long, long time ago, and created a great contingency plan to prevent it. The "Public Debt Clause" in Article VI, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads "all Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation."

Interestingly enough, there's absolutely nothing in the constitution whatsoever that actually authorizes the existence of a central bank (I guess not even our politicians here in the U.S.A. are that shitty). There's only a provision that claims we cannot default on our debt. Note: Just like any law or constitutional amendment ever passed, it's open to interpretation, so there may still be some glimmer of hope for the American people, in that maybe we could interpret this provision in some way that would allow us to default on this fraudulent scam we call the national debt.

It's becoming increasingly harder to find truthful articles and blog posts like these on the internet as the years go by. They do exist, primarily through the outlets of intellectuals and anti-establishmentarians, but many are suppressed in the establishment's corporatist internet search algorithms, for obvious reasons. We don't do this often, but for those of you who think we're doing important work here at Ending Politics, especially through articles like this one, please share them on social media. Much like search engines, social media algorithms almost always suppress our articles, especially ones we write about the economy and the Federal Reserve Bank. Help us break through these manipulative algorithmic tricks, so we can free the minds of the American people, and encourage critical thinking.

- T.F.

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