Sam Seder Fans' Heads Explode From Article

Turd Ferguson • Jan 31, 2023

Beware of the Sam Seder cultists...

We must be doing a pretty good job over here at HQ, because we're seemingly able to  really piss people off over the littlest of things!

Thousands of Sam Seder fanatics' heads exploded last Saturday afternoon after Sam Seder himself gave our most recent article about him major publicity on Twitter, after we tagged him in a post with a link to the article. Even though he claimed in a comment on our tweet (and probably lied) that he didn't read our article, just his commenting on our tweet (and then tens of thousands of his followers seeing the comment) was enough to send his cult members into a major frenzy!

With a cup of coffee in-hand and scrolling through all the sub-comments on our tweet from Sam Seder's fanatics, I could almost taste the cultists' tears pouring down their faces as they frantically and angrily jumped to Sam Seder's defense for daring to insult their charismatic leader. Some of these comments had me in stitches, and nearly had me spitting my coffee all over my laptop screen from my hysterical laughter.

On a side note, the free publicity Sam Seder gave us led to the single-heaviest day of web traffic we've ever had to our new, little website so far.

Anyway, some of these angry, unhinged, vitriolic sub-comments on our tweet were extraordinarily entertaining to read. But the most entertaining part of all this though, is just how pissed off so many people could get over a little blog post from a new and relatively-unknown website (or at least it was relatively unknown, before we posted our single-most visited blog article on our website ever the other day). We've taken the liberty of posting some of this gold below, which I'm sure at least some will eventually be deleted once Sam Seder's cultists begin to feel the shame of the temper tantrum they threw on Twitter over nothing.

Now granted, we all know already that Sam Seder's followers aren't exactly the brightest crayons in the box, so maybe we should just completely ignore the comments that don't even make sense (like @jah_soljah's comment above for example), but most of this idiocy is just far too entertaining to ignore.

Perhaps some of the funniest comments though, were the ones claiming that we were other content creators...

I've also noticed these "progressives," despite claiming to be the defenders of the weak and downtrodden, actually seem to hate blue-collar working people; for instance, take a look at this gentleman's comment below criticizing plumbers (the same people that have probably kept his house from flooding on multiple occasions, as well as unclogs his toilet pipes when he shits large bricks)...

Like I said, all of the comments from his cult followers are gold. I could sit here for hours reading all these. Some of these are funnier than others, but all of them provide some level of entertainment.

It's also worth a mention here that when you create content online like we do here at, the few haters your content will inevitably create are all the proof you need that you're doing a good job. If you don't have haters, you're not trying hard enough - or your content sucks. Haters will also provide you with motivation, and sometimes, like in this case, even some inspiration to create more content.

All that said, I guess I should end this piece by thanking Sam Seder for the free publicity and web traffic, as well as his followers for visiting our website! We're now one step closer to site monetization, something that many anti-establishment websites will just never be given the privilege of these days. For once, we can gratefully and sincerely thank the establishment shills. Thanks guys! -TF

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