Is The United States Of America Collapsing?

Turd Ferguson • Feb 17, 2023

The U.S.A. appears to be in a slow state of collapse.

It becomes clearer and clearer every day that goes by that the United States of America is in a slow state of collapse.

So how did we get here?

This will be a question that economists, historians, and political scientists will debate for generations, after the fateful day when the U.S.A. finally does collapse. If you're reading this on the day this article is posted, it will almost certainly happen within your lifetime.

Lesser-of-two-evil voting has always been a naturally-occurring problem within our duopolistic political system. Many people in the United States, regardless of their knowledge (or lack there of) of social issues or economics, have always voted by simply picking the candidate that had either an "R" or "D" next to their name, and their decision of which letter they choose is usually dictated entirely by which letter they've been picking their entire lives prior. This has created a problem in our political system, in which a truly shitty candidate is always guaranteed to win, because there is an artificially-created duopoly in our political system, and because most people are content with living in an authoritarian country (a natural consequence of lesser-of-two-evil voting), as long as they feel "safe" in the given moment they happen to be standing at their local ballot box. And because a truly shitty candidate is always guaranteed to win, we're in turn always guaranteed to be governed with truly shitty policies.

This leads me to my next point: The truly shitty policies that we're guaranteed to be governed with has led us to a point where our country is facing a debt crisis. We're now well over $30 trillion in debt, because of frivolous spending to fund the policies of a government that hasn't been good at allocating resources for over a century.

What exactly have we spent thirty-trillion dollars on? We've certainly spent a good bit of it involving ourselves in conflicts overseas in which we had no business being involved. George W. Bush (whom I'd still consider the single-worst president of my lifetime) had no issue throwing trillions of dollars into searching for non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Whoops, turns out we were wrong! claimed Bush after-the-fact. Sorry, too late; that money's already been spent - and it went right into the pockets of corporations like Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon. Wow, Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon have created so much value for our economy! What do we have to show for it, you ask? Well, lots of dead bodies overseas, and a lot of dead American soldiers, for starters!

And of course, there's been plenty of other wasteful spending. Our huge welfare state (the biggest in the world), the creation of welfare states in other countries (from which, our country sees no benefit from whatsoever), the drug war (probably the most detrimental unconstitutional police-action our country has ever engaged in), and of course, we cannot forget the recent War on the Invisible Enemy: COVID-19. What a success our War on Coronavirus turned out to be - drug & alcohol addiction skyrocketed, a suicide count we'll never truly know because our government still won't release those numbers (and likely never will), stolen education from our children (which will take a half a decade to recover from), a country completely divided, and over five-trillion dollars spent... and the end-game is we're all going to catch the coronavirus anyway. Wow, now that was money well-spent!!!

And this is a great segue into my next point: the debt-crisis will be the catalyst for what will really be the collapse of the United States of America, a dollar crisis.

I believe that the death of our country will be hyperinflation, the same as all the complex societies that came before us. History repeats itself, because for some reason, humans don't seem to learn from their mistakes. I've written before here at Ending Politics about the policies of the U.S. Central Bank, and how their reckless money printing will turn us into Venezuela before most people can even figure out what's happening. The policies of the federal reserve have made a select few people very rich at the expense of the rest of us, and the U.S. government's propaganda machine has done a fantastic job of convincing the American people that everything's just fine. "We want money-printing!" claim the talking-heads on MSNBC (as well as Fox News, whenever it happens to be convenient for good ol' Rupert Murdoch), and American citizens believe them, because they know the people telling them this make several million dollars a year. "They're rich and wealthy, and they're on TV... so they must be smarter than us!" say the voices inside American citizens' heads, completely unaware that every dollar the federal reserve prints steals the value of the money they're earning or have already saved. The elites have been quite good at playing the game this way, because they know the vast majority of the American people don't understand what's going on. Economics isn't necessarily a complex subject, but it's quite boring and requires some studying - things Americans simply don't want to do anymore.

But what the American people fail to understand is, once the dollar finally collapses, everything around them will quickly either cease to exist, or become far too expensive for them to afford. A loaf of bread, a roll of toilet paper, or even a dozen eggs (which we're learning right now is one of the first commodities to become too expensive) will suddenly become far too pricey for anyone, simply because there are more dollars chasing the same amount of produced goods.

Currently, there's no visible light at the end of the tunnel. We keep digging ourselves deeper and deeper into this hole without ever thinking about what sort of irreparable damage this could cause us in the future, and this will be what causes the American empire to collapse.

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