EndingPolitics.com Sub-Reddit Banned From Reddit.com

Turd Ferguson • Feb 09, 2023

The establishment hates us.

It seems like it was only yesterday when our u/EndingPolitics handle was banned from the r/Economics sub-reddit on Reddit.com for posting an (accurately written) article that the other users didn't like and made them very upset.  :'(

But over the weekend, our exclusive r/EndingPolitics sub-reddit was completely banned from Reddit.com. We'd made it specifically so that Reddit users could easily find and join it to easily get updates from our blog without having to directly visit our homepage every day, and only used it as such.

But the moderators over at Reddit.com, who clearly have large sticks (or maybe fat logs) lodged firmly in their anuses, weren't having any of it! We can only picture in our minds a fat, disgusting Reddit moderator with pulsating white-head acne all over his face and sweat pouring down his forehead, so much so that it's fogging up his nerd-glasses, crushing in anger his freshly-chugged 12 oz. can of sugary Mountain Dew: Code Red screaming "fuck these EndingPolitics.com assholes!" and then violently throwing down his ban-hammer on our sub-reddit.

It's noteworthy that our sub-reddit had only a small few members at the time, and was only used to post links to our new blog articles. No other user was allowed to post to the sub-reddit, and we'd never posted anything else to it besides blog links. We should mention though, that currently our u/EndingPolitics handle does still exist, although we cannot post anything from it at the time of this writing.

This all begs the question: why was our sub-reddit banned exactly? What rule did we violate here?

These are great questions, and ones to which we currently do not have answers. We attempted to reach out to the Reddit moderators for the answers to these questions, and for any comment for this article, and at the time of this writing, we've not heard back. We can only speculate of course, but we believe they've not responded because of their own blatant cowardice (prove us wrong if you're reading this, Reddit mods!).

We're surmising on this as well, but we believe our sub-reddit ban probably has something to do with the anti-establishment content we write on our website. We surmise that the Reddit.com overlords just don't like it; they hate that we're telling the truth here, and are doing anything they can do silence us. We'll just ban them... that should shut them up!!!!

Well, unfortunately for you Reddit mods, unlike Reddit.com, you don't own EndingPolitics.com. You can ban us from your site, but you can't ban us from writing articles here on our site. You can certainly try if you so choose to waste your time. You can contact our hosting provider if you're smart enough to figure out how to do that (something tells us you're probably not), but even if our hosting provider caves to you (and we highly doubt they would), you still won't be able to shut us up. We'd just switch hosting providers to an overseas company, one that you have absolutely no influence over whatsoever.

On another note, the Reddit.com overlords even had the gall to remove a blog link from our user profile, calling it "spam." Spam on our own profile page??! That's quite a stretch, don't you think, Reddit-mod scumbags?!?

On some level though, we're almost honored. The fact that Reddit.com is this terrified of us reaffirms that we're doing a great job exposing the establishment. We can only hope Reddit.com's efforts backfire; and that this creates some sort of Streisand effect, drawing even more organic traffic to our website. 

Until then, fuck you Reddit scum. You're a bunch of fucking cowards.

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