EndingPolitics.com's Summer 2024 Reading List

Turd Ferguson • Jul 02, 2024

Here's your must-read book list for the summer season of 2024.

Ah, yes. As Rivers Cuomo put it on Weezer's 2017 album Pacific Daydream, "yeah, it feels like summer!" And if you live or have visited the east coast U.S. over the past week, you don't need me to tell you that, because you probably noticed the average temperature was around 90 degrees and very humid for most of the week. And if the temperature stays this way for most of the summer, it's our bet you'll probably be spending a good bit of your summer in the comfort of your air-conditioned house or apartment, rather than outside in the east coast humidity. So, we've taken the liberty of putting together a short but fun and informative reading list for you. We've only put three books on here to keep it simple (because we're well-aware most people won't even read three books in their entire lifetimes), as well as one bonus (for the political-left!). Better yet, most of these can be found on used and on-the-cheap on eBay, so there's no reason not to pick up a copy of all of them, and finish them before the end of September.

  1. End The Fed by Dr. Ron Paul

Despite how relevant and necessary this book was when it was written back in 2009, we're willing to bet that even Dr. Paul himself wouldn't have guessed just how much more relevant it would be in 2024. We've written plenty on this blog about the federal reserve, so much so that we're surprised we haven't received a cease-and-desist from the political establishment by now (if you haven't read our newest article on it yet, it's a great place to start, especially if you're a beginner). But Dr. Paul probably has a better understanding of the nature of the Fed than anyone who's ever set foot in the halls of Congress (with the exceptions of perhaps his own son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)), and thoroughly details in his book the Fed's shady dealings behind closed doors, his own sparring with former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke during the House committee hearings (a preview of some of these spars can be seen on YouTube), and the case on why we shouldn't allow the central bank to further devalue our currency and impoverish the American people. If you only read one book on this list this summer, make sure it's this one, because it has never been more relevant.

    2.  How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World by Harry Browne

In How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World, former presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party, Harry Browne, lays out his entire outline on how to take responsibility for ones own life, beat the odds against you, lay out and navigate a direct path to happiness, and find real freedom in a world where real freedom doesn't exist. Browne brilliantly and insightfully lays out the case that, despite the reality that you will live under an authoritarian government anywhere you go in the world, with a little practice and optimism, you can break free of the invisible chains that are trapping you, and start to live a truly free life. Somewhere inside these 400 pages, you're bound to find at least a few actionable tips you can execute right now to better your own situation, regardless of your current status in life.

    3.  The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The title of this book speaks for itself, and if you're one of the few informed people who haven't read this book yet, there's no better time than this summer. This book is eye-opening, shocking, and damning to the bureaucrats and politicians who were in charge of the response to the COVID-19 scamdemic that ushered in a new wave of cronyism, corporatism, power-grabbing, and technocracy in the United States. This is quite possibly one of the most well-researched and heavily-cited books ever written, and the startling facts and incidents outlined in this book will scare even the most paranoid of self-proclaimed "conspiracy theorists." But there's just one problem - there are no "theories" in this book - it's 100% documented, well-researched, provable, cited facts. This is yet another must-read for our summer reading list.

    BONUS (For our left-leaning readers)

    The Unfair Advantage: How You Already Have What It Takes To Succeed by Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba

We wanted to throw our left-leaning readers a bone on this list. Despite the vibes we may put off on this blog sometimes, there are actually quite a few things we sympathize with, and dare we say, agree with, the left on. Sometimes it does feel like, in the current corporate-socialist economy we live in, that a path to success is damn-near completely unfindable. And if you are clever, hardworking, optimistic, and resourceful enough to find one, well, actually navigating it is an entirely new and difficult problem. Ash Ali and Hasan Kubba clearly understand this, like we do, and they've done all the heavy-lifting for us in their book The Unfair Advantage, and laid out an entire path for those who dream of success but currently feel hopeless with finding it, with what Ali and Kubba call the "MILES Framework," which will guide you down your own unique path to success. You may not even realize it, but you too have some of the same "unfair advantages" that all the people born into wealth had. It may not be all the exact same ones. Some may be variations of them, and some may be completely different ones altogether. But this book does a great job of explaining how anyone, even the people who are seemingly the most down on their luck, can break out of the rat race, and achieve great success. It is particularly the American political left that will love this book, as they will find Ali and Kubba highly relatable, and will quickly realize despite their own great successes, that these two authors greatly sympathize with their readers who might not have had the opportunities or good fortunes to realize their own paths to success yet.

And there you have it, our summer reading list for all you A/C lovers out there! We've made this list quite simple for you - one book a month, for the next three months. As soon as the book arrives at your door step, go to the last page, take that page number, divide it by 30, and read that number of pages every day for the next month. By the end of the summer, you'll have read 3 new books, and you'll have a wealth of knowledge that you'll be able to impress your friends and family with, and perhaps even change your own outlook on life, politics, and the current state of the American economy and the country itself. Have fun reading these, and have a great summer!

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