Does The Media Hate Tucker Carlson Because He's Anti-War?

Turd Ferguson • May 03, 2022

Regardless of what you think about him, Tucker Carlson is one of the few anti-war voices on mainstream television.

Lots of people seem to hate Tucker Carlson, and for a myriad of different reasons. These vitriolic voices tend to be most heard on Twitter though and not so much in real life. Regardless, Tucker Carlson seems to rub people on the left side of the political spectrum the wrong way. But why?

There may even be some legitimacy to some of the claims of why they don't like him. Carlson shares some pretty controversial opinions on his show; many of which deal in politically-sensitive topics such as the ongoing illegal immigration crisis at the border. But is that the real reason the hate him? The primary arguments Carlson has made on his show in regards to immigration have only to do with immigration-crime anecdotes (with some supporting data) as well as his hypothesis that the Joe Biden-led Democratic Party wants to give amnesty to illegal immigrants to sway elections. These topics really seem rather bland in the white-hot political climate right now. As I write this, the United States is trying to evade a potential nuclear war with Russia, and we're still trying to overcome in some parts of the United States the Fauciism that has destroyed our country over the past two years.

To be clear, most of the vitriol against Carlson comes from the always-raging Twitter mob and the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC. But their anger at him for the aforementioned reason is fake and astro-turfy, at best. The real reason he's hated (by his colleagues in the media; perhaps not so much the Twitter enforcers that haven't ever watched his show) is because Tucker Carlson seems to be the single man in the media who has been allowed to speak out against the current war in Ukraine.

Why do they care, you might ask? Because if MSNBC and CNN are pushing pro-war propaganda on behalf of Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and the military industrial complex, then that makes the talking heads at MSNBC the pro-war neoconservatives, and it makes Tucker Carlson the actually-more-left-leaning liberal (at least on this particular issue). That drives Joy Reid, Brian Stelter, and the rest of the talking-head morons at MSNBC and CNN crazy. The idea that Carlson could have a cooler, more anti-establishment and anti-war opinion than them drives them absolutely insane - and they hate it. They want to be the cool, anti-establishment journalists and they're not - and never can be because their entire networks are in the pockets of the establishment - and the fact that a "right-winger" like Tucker Carlson could have a more anti-establishment position than them is completely unacceptable. So, they feel the need to attempt to discredit the rest of his opinions by calling him a "racist" so that no one on the left will watch his show.

That effort to drive left-wing viewership away from Carlson's showing is proving futile too - as more Democrat-voters are watching Tucker Carlson Tonight than CNN or MSNBC, even the beloved-on-the-left Rachel Maddow. Seems like MSNBC & CNN will need to start trying harder to discredit Carlson if they want to silence his anti-war views... or at least try to make themselves look cooler than him, for whatever that's worth.

But there's also of course the other big reason: and it's that CNN & MSNBC seem to be literally in the pocket of the military industrial complex. Just a few days ago, CNN published a bullshit propaganda piece claiming war-monger companies weren't making money off this war and that their stocks had settled back down - but this is complete nonsense. As of this writing, Lockheed Martin's stock is still soaring about 30% from January.

CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the talking heads of the military industrial complex should not be trusted. They've already proven over the last 20 years of the Afghanistan war, the last 2 years of coronavirus and now their shady, non-transparent coverage of the Ukraine/Russia debacle is evidence of their complete loyalty to the establishment - and their bogus opinions should be treated as just that - complete bullshit.

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