Did The McCarthy Speakership Vote Prove Sam Seder Wrong On #ForceTheVote?

Turd Ferguson • Jan 19, 2023

It doesn't matter what Sam Seder thinks about Jimmy Dore. His lack of support for #ForceTheVote destroyed his credibility amongst the progressive left.

We’re no strangers to ripping on Sam Seder here at EndingPolitics.com… but he just makes it so easy. If he doesn’t like it, he should stop being such a disingenuous moron.

It’s been a couple years since the progressive-left split on the #ForceTheVote movement, an idea to force a house vote on the medicare-for-all issue before progressives representatives would cast a vote for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for Speaker of the House, a way of holding her house speakership position hostage. The brain-child of comedian Jimmy Dore, the idea garnered huge support amongst progressive-leftists as a means to determine which house representatives had the cojones to stand up to the establishment-wing of the Democratic Party and actually cast a vote on behalf of the benefit of the 99%. The purpose of the idea was to expose any “fake” progressives that were currently serving in Congress as a means to hold them accountable.

According to a poll conducted by The Young Turks, who spoke out against #ForceTheVote and holding the house progressives accountable, the idea was far more popular than not even by their own audience’s opinion.

Regardless, many establishment-left YouTube commentators still spoke out against #ForceTheVote, despite the idea being extraordinarily popular amongst the progressive left, most notably Sam Seder of The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder YouTube channel, who seemingly disliked the idea from the very start, but could never really articulate why.

Seder’s main arguments against #ForceTheVote seemed mostly irrelevant to what the purpose of the idea actually was: to expose members of Congress who wouldn’t vote for a policy that is fundamental to their entire progressive movement. For instance, Seder spent quite a bit of time on his YouTube show talking about how medicare-for-all would never get passed using this method anyway, which of course was not the intention of the #ForceTheVote strategy at all. But much more of his nonsense was exposed during his infamous debate with Briahna Joy Gray on her show, most notably when he proved to his own audience (many of whom were watching the debate live) that he had no idea how the house speakership vote actually worked – he claimed that to win the house speakership, Nancy Pelosi would have needed a plurality of the votes, which is provably false and not how the speaker of the house is elected. Then once he humiliated himself on the livestream, he basically changed his entire argument to something that can be summed up as “I don’t like Jimmy Dore.”

On a brief other note, one of the funniest arguments to come out of this debate was Seder’s assertion that Jimmy Dore’s #ForceTheVote strategy somehow “disempowered” the progressives in Congress. DISEMPOWERED?? What in fuck’s name are you talking about, Sam?!

But Seder’s ignorance was exposed full-fledged (perhaps a couple years late) just a couple weeks ago when the house republicans took a page out of Jimmy Dore’s book, and successfully held Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) house speakership position hostage by refusing to vote for him unless a plethora of specific demands were met. McCarthy caved to a good bit of the republican dissenters demands, proving that the #ForceTheVote movement could’ve been an effective strategy for the house progressives, if they’d only had the cojones to use it.

This victory for the congressional republican dissenters effectively discredited any argument Seder had about the #ForceTheVote strategy, as the republicans proved it an effective means of pressuring house leadership into situations that may make them politically uncomfortable.

Seder still hasn’t admitted he was wrong to this day, and hilariously he read a comment live on his show from one of his audience members a couple weeks ago making the same stupid claim that Seder had made previously about the strategy: that medicare-for-all wouldn’t have been passed anyway! Granted, Seder’s audience members certainly aren’t the brightest crayons in the box, but this blatant and ongoing misunderstanding of what the #ForceTheVote movement was trying to accomplish from Seder and his audience proves just how dimwitted they all actually are.

So here we are, years after the progressive Democrats’ opportunity to “force the vote” has long passed – and quite possibly won’t present itself again for many more years to come – and we now have proof that the #ForceTheVote strategy could’ve worked quite well for the progressive wing of the democratic caucus, had the only had the guts to try it. I would imagine that Sam Seder, The Young Turks, and soy-boy David Pakman would probably feel pretty stupid now, except they don’t, because they have no shame. 

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