Brie Joy Gray Spreads Inflation Conspiracy Theories on 'Rising'

Turd Ferguson • Feb 16, 2024

Yesterday on The Hill's YouTube show 'Rising,' Brie Joy Gray put on her tin foil hat and spouted conspiracy theories (that have already been proven false) about inflation.

Yesterday on our favorite YouTube news and commentary show, The Hill's 'Rising,' cohost Brie Joy Gray put on her metaphorical tin foil hat, and helped disseminate ridiculous conspiracy theories about inflation that have already been proven false by a myriad of news outlets, including us here at Ending Politics.

We know we're beginning to sound like broken records here, as it seems like we've rewritten this same story over and over again for the past year or so (though perhaps with different characters).

But yesterday on The Hill's Rising YouTube news show, Brie Joy Gray spouted one of the most insane pieces of non-evidence we've heard yet in attempts to legitimize the "corporate greed is causing inflation" conspiracy theory.

Brie Joy Gray's conspiracy theory doozy from yesterday was in regards to a recent lawsuit made (ironically for Ms. Gray) by a myriad of big corporate food distributors (like Kraft Foods, The Kellogg Company, General Mills, Nestle, etc.) against much smaller egg producers, in which a federal jury determined the egg producers conspired to limit egg production twenty years ago. You read that right - Brie Joy Gray's conspiracy theory of our current bout inflation has absolutely nothing to do with any recent activity - something she actually acknowledged during the segment in question. If you're thinking this all sounds like something out of an episode of The Twilight Zone; well, to be honest, we don't necessarily fault you. The whole segment was so ridiculous that even the Heritage Foundation economist that Gray and her cohost Robby Soave were interviewing, E.J. Antoni, seemed flummoxed and perplexed, and seemingly struggled to take her questions seriously.

Gray then went on to mention the usual nonsensical arguments we've debunked here dozens of times before, including "corporate profits" (which have no correlative affect on the actual inflation rate whatsoever), to which Antoni rebutted with a good point we've actually failed to address before - when adjusted for inflation, these "record-breaking" corporate profits actually haven't even materialized the way the left claims; and as a matter of fact, may have even shrunk slightly.

But to be clear, as we've stated many times before, we're no fans of corporate power here at EP, and we're every bit as critical of large multi-national corporations as most lefties are, but to suggest that "corporate profits" are somehow driving the inflation rate in this country is completely ridiculous and unfounded. There's no evidence or data to prove such a claim, and therefore should not be taken seriously until some evidence is provided (and is able to withstand the test of any scrutinization).

As always, we've embedded the segment in question below for you viewing entertainment.

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