Branch Covidian Scientists Learned Nothing From 'Resident Evil'

Turd Ferguson • Mar 28, 2023

All of Raccoon City's suffering was caused by cronyism, greed, and the gain-of-function research that created the t-virus. So was the world's, after the escape of SARS-CoV-2 from a lab in Wuhan.

According to Resident Evil's canonical lore, the Umbrella Corporation, headed up by President & CEO Oswell Spencer and founding virologist James Marcus, created the "Tyrant Virus" (canonically known as the "t-Virus") through gain-of-function experimentation from the "Progenitor Virus," a naturally-occurring RNA virus that originated in West Africa. Spencer and Marcus created this "t-Virus" as a bioweapon to sell to governments and their militaries all over the globe. This gain-of-function research conducted by the greedy, crony Umbrella Corporation was the root cause of all of Raccoon City's suffering.

In retrospect, the Resident Evil horror franchise was quite prophetic. The writers of the Resident Evil video game series seemed to predict the coronavirus pandemic in the early '20s almost to the T (pun intended). They predicted that experimenting on a naturally-occurring virus to make it more infectious to humans would be absolutely disastrous. They also predicted that a virus such as this could very easily escape from the laboratory in which it was created through researcher infection. And they predicted that the aftermath of such an escape would create widespread chaos. And they were dead right.

The original Resident Evil video game and canonical storyline was released all the way back in 1998, and Capcom was about 21 to 22 years ahead of the curve, despite the fact that the most of the English-speaking world wouldn't even know what "gain-of-function research" was for at least another 20+ years. And the Branch Covidian American government-scientists and Dr Fauci's team of cronies had over two decades to examine the story and philosophy of the (once upon a time-called) "science-fiction" horror franchise Resident Evil, and to consider what the consequential results of their own reckless actions could warrant, but nie. And near the end of the year 2019, a dangerous, (probably) man-made virus escaped from a partially-American-taxpayer-funded gain-of-function virology research laboratory in Wuhan, China.

On an ironic side note, we should mention that not even highly-educated virologists knew how easily such a deadly virus could actually be unleashed into the world, just a few years ago. In 2019, interviewed Duke University virologist and Resident Evil fan Justin Waterfield, who at the time was highly skeptical such an event could ever occur. Waterfield says in the interview: "We’ve had only two or three instances in my lifetime that could be even remotely comparable to Resident Evil's description of the t-Virus outbreak, and they aren’t even close. That’s Ebola, SARS, and the various mutations of the influenza virus."

Very ironically, Waterfield actually mentions SARS, specifically. That said, we have a hard time ripping on Waterfield here. We all end up eating our words from the past, sometimes.

But even more ironically, Waterfield says shortly after: "And though we can't always vaccinate for each type due to continuous changes, we can contain them, so spreads are limited..." Oh, Mr. Waterfield... you really had no idea what was coming, did you??

We reached out to Justin Waterfield for comment, and as of the time of this writing, haven't heard back. We will update this blog if/when we hear back.

But digressing, even post-pandemic, when the vast majority of the world wants absolutely nothing to do with anything resembling gain-of-function research whatsoever because of the obvious risks it poses to human health and the global economy, Dr. Scamthony Fraudi has awarded yet another taxpayer-funded grant to study bat coronaviruses to EcoHealth Alliance (for those unfamiliar, EcoHealth Alliance, headed-up by Dr. Peter Daszak, is the same organization suspected of conducting the very-same dangerous gain-of-function research at the same coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China that could have created the pandemic that through the world into chaos for the last three years).

And as if you still weren't convinced that we very-well could be living in a simulation, Dr. Fauci himself is still, to this day, denying that the coronavirus came from said lab in Wuhan, despite several federal government agencies specifically reporting that the most-likely origin of the coronavirus was a lab-leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The above meme sums up Dr. Fauci's opinion on the subject quite well. Replace "at the Umbrella Corporation" with the words "by us," "Raccoon City" with "Wuhan, China," and "t-Virus" with "coronavirus," and Fauci's opinion is equally as dumb in real life as it is represented in that meme.

Another similarity of the coronavirus pandemic to the Resident Evil franchise is the rampant cronyism, corporatism, and fake capitalism that funds both the gain-of-function research here in reality and the gain-of-function research at the fictional "Umbrella Corporation." Rest assured, the entire canon of Resident Evil relies on the audience's (accurate) belief that a given government's defense spending would fund such a massive bioweapon research operation, and of course, a government would. In fact, think of any government that exists in the world right now. Any one of them would love to have the defensive biological edge over any other government - and here we've already made the connection between fiction and reality. Would an organization like EcoHealth Alliance even exist if there didn't exist a government with a huge, bloated budget, that loves to dole sweet, inflated contracts to the good buddies of federal employees? Our guess here at Ending Politics is probably not. After all, what real value does EcoHealth Alliance or any organization like it actually provide to the world? The answer is little to none, and therefore wouldn't exist in a truly free marketplace...

It was Dr. Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance's greed (as well as Anthony Fauci's, considering it's already been proven that his own agency receives royalty payments from pharmaceutical companies for their uses of NIH-patented discoveries) that at the very least is somewhat responsible for the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, given that his grant helped fund the very lab the virus leaked from.

And it was greed, cronyism, and gain-of-function research that caused the suffering of Raccoon City in Resident Evil (and the global suffering in reality from SARS-CoV-2). At the time the coronavirus pandemic had broke out, there were about 27 Resident Evil video games, 6 live action films, and several more animated movies, and the U.S. federal government never got the hint that something truly horrible could come from their reckless actions. Then, in late 2019, the coronavirus escaped from the lab at Wuhan, probably by infecting a researcher (colloquially known as 'patient 0'), and then spread one human at a time, until we had a global infection. Canonically in the original Resident Evil video game, the reckless gain-of-function experiments in creation of the t-Virus, caused several researchers to become infected while working in the laboratory hidden beneath the Spencer Mansion in the Arklay Mountains, leading to a highly infectious and deadly outbreak which caused widespread chaos, panic, and death in Raccoon City. 

The story is too disturbingly close to the suffering we endured from the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, and their gang of crony thugs at the NIH and EcoHealth Alliance should be held accountable for their actions, their lies, and their greed that caused global suffering, panic, and death over the past three years.

In closing, we've attached below screenshots of collectable documents from Resident Evil (2002), which will give you chills from the striking similarities to the coronavirus pandemic. Sweet dreams.

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