Aria DiMezzo's 18 Month Prison Sentence Is A Warning To Libertarians

Turd Ferguson • Apr 27, 2023

The Biden Administration is coming for its dissenters, and that doesn't necessarily mean conservatives.

The big news in libertarian circles yesterday was Aria DiMezzo's sentencing, which was handed down shortly before noon yesterday. DiMezzo was arrested in March of 2021 for "crimes" related to selling cryptocurrency without the permission of Big Daddy Government.

DiMezzo is currently one of the hosts of the nationally-syndicated radio program Free Talk Live, on which she frequently discusses libertarian philosophy, cryptocurrency, and transsexual issues. She also made national headlines a couple years ago for her candidacy for sheriff in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, for which she ran as a Republican, and garnered close to 25% of the vote. 

After more than two years, DiMezzo's case has finally come to a close, culminating in her sentencing to 18 months in a federal prison by Judge Joseph Leplante in the U.S. Federal Court in Concord, NH. Her sentence is scheduled to begin in late June.

Our personal belief here at Ending Politics though, is that DiMezzo's sentencing has less to do with what she was accused and convicted of, and more to do with federal government's detractors in general. During President Joe Biden's inauguration in January 2021, former CIA Director John Brennan claimed on MSNBC to his good friend and fellow neoconservative Nicole Wallace that libertarians were "extremists" and that the libertarian movement as a whole resembled an "insurgency movement." This is of course an absurd claim, as the basis of the entire libertarian philosophy is the non-aggression principle and non-violence, but former CIA Director John Brennan either doesn't know anything about the libertarian philosophy at all or he's just lying so he can justify to the American people why the Justice Department will begin taking down peaceful dissenters. Our guess is it's probably a combination of both. If you haven't seen the clip, we've taken the liberty of iFraming it below so you can hear it straight from the gift-horse's mouth.

Unfortunately though, Aria DiMezzo, who's done nothing wrong and hasn't actually been accused of hurting anyone, will take the fall on behalf all anti-establishmentarians for the Justice Department's extremely-unjust pursuit of crushing the United States Federal Government's detractors.

Much like the former CIA Director's public statement on MSNBC two years ago, this is yet another warning from the U.S. Justice Dept. to all anti-establishmentarians, libertarians, and cryptocurrency users. "You'd better shape up," claims the U.S. Justice Dept., "or we're coming to crush you!!!!"

It's also noteworthy that the arrests of the "Crypto 6" (as they're now colloquially known as) came only a little over a month after Biden's inauguration, and the former CIA Director's assertion that libertarians were extremists on MSNBC.

We've written about the coming-collapse of Western Society on this blog before, and the persecution of peaceful dissenters by the feds is yet another symptom of it. Libertarians should take the imprisonment of Aria DiMezzo as a serious warning to either stay completely under the radar (quite possibly for the rest of their lives), or begin planning a life in a different country - preferably one with lower taxes and more freedom than America, but also one that would not cooperate with the U.S. Federal Government under any circumstances, especially if you believe it would attempt to have you extradited one day for a "crime" you may have once committed, like engaging in a voluntarily financial transaction without permission from the FBI, for example.

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