100 Articles On EndingPolitics.com

Turd Ferguson • Aug 07, 2024

So... Now What?

Dear Reader,

Well, we've done it. We've done it, TOGETHER! You and me. Me and You. US. What shall we do next?

In all seriousness though, we greatly appreciate your support this far. All the utter bullshit and nonsense we've debunked over the past couple years... practically for free! Imagine that! Actually, it's pretty amazing how much truth one is able to tell when he doesn't have some moron with a vested interest paying one to lie!

We've been able to debunk these wars that are killing people. We've been able to debunk these MMT morons' lies about what caused the current bout of inflation. We've been able to debunk Sam Seder... well, I guess he's not even that relevant anymore, anyway.

Anyway, a few changes that will be coming soon:

As we continue to build up our mailing list, we will start sending out notifications via email to those who've signed up whenever we publish a new article on our site. We recommend that you mark these emails as "important" in your email application to ensure that always reach your primary email box.

We will soon be linking - or possibly embedding - our tee shirt store to our website. We'll be selling tee shirts with contrarian and anti-establishmentarian viewpoints on them, not only to economically support us, but also as a conversation-starter for you as you go about your day.

And finally, you may start seeing ads on our site (more on this in a moment).

We do hope you'll consider making donations to us, also. We do currently receive small, one-time donations from many of our readers, but what we've gotten would certainly never be able to keep a large anti-establishmentarian blog running long-term. It has helped with the bill to keep our site running, but has not helped to pay us individually. Outreach, social media, SEO, and of course writing these blogs are all time-consuming tasks, and we hope you'll consider donating to us more regularly if you enjoy reading our content. We know times are tough - hell, we've written extensively about inflation on this blog - far more than the mainstream media ever will. But keep in mind, just one day of brewing your coffee at home instead of buying it at Starbucks (a company that probably hates you, unlike us, we wuv youuuu) and reallocating those funds to our website would be an enormous help to us.

As far as advertising goes, the attempts we've made to convince Google to monetize our website so far has been an exercise in futility. We've attempted on multiple occasions to get them to approve our website for monetization, and every time we've been rejected, despite not having a single fact we've ever posted on our site actually questioned or refuted by anyone (with the exception of perhaps one article we wrote a year or so ago that we received a very angry response from by a vitriolic left-leaning reader *though he didn't actually refute anything we wrote in our article*) as well as writing about mostly non-offensive, pretty milquetoast subjects like the fallout from the pandemic, movies and video games, and the nature of the Federal Reserve. Despite taking anti-establishmentarian views on these subjects, these are still not particularly controversial topics, as there are millions of pages on the web that are currently monetized, and many that share similar opinions on the subjects that we do.

So, now that are website is already a couple years old, and having written 100 articles, we are soon going to make a few more attempts to convince Google to monetize our website. They are a privately-owned company, so they certainly don't have to - but it's certainly the right thing to do, and they can only make money from monetizing our website - they won't be losing any. But, if you do start seeing some of those annoying Google AdSense ads popping up on our website soon - please know this is a good thing. Understand that we work very hard on this blog, and we deserve to, like any other blogger, be paid for the work we put in and the value we create.

In the meantime, we have some absolutely fascinating articles coming down the pipeline in the next few weeks, so stay tuned. If you've been with us for the first couple years, you'll love where we'll be going in the next couple.

Thank you for all your help, dear reader; yours truly,

Turd Ferguson

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