Joe Biden Keeps Shifting The Blame For Inflation

Turd Ferguson • May 20, 2022

"The Putin Price Hike" is nothing but a failed branding campaign, and big businesses aren't to blame for our current inflation problem.

If I hear "The Putin Price Hike" one more time...

Joe Biden has non-stop blame-shifted for the inflation problem since the very first day it became a political issue for his presidency.

Now to be clear, the inflation we're experiencing right now is not completely Joe Biden's fault. As a matter of fact, it's comparatively very little his fault when you consider the Federal Reserve's policies over the past century, as well as Congress's culpability in their big deficit-spending and all the previous presidents that have assisted in that also; but that said it should not be forgotten that bills cannot be passed without a President's signature (without a supermajority in the House & Senate), and Joe Biden did assist Congress in passing the single-worst spending bill in history

One of the biggest (and frankly, most annoying) blame shifts Joe Biden has made for inflation is on Russian President Vladimir Putin (who is an authoritarian scumbag and a thug, and one we very much don't like; so there's no need to call us 'Putin apologists'). About 2 months ago, Vladimir Putin initiated a hot war in Ukraine, and the politicians saw this is as a great opportunity to divert the American people's attention away from very important domestic issues like inflation (which is currently creating major devastation in the lives of the American people) and holding Dr. Fauci accountable for his shady (and possibly illegal) actions over the past couple years, and toward an angry, short Ukrainian dictator who just received a forty-billion dollar slush fund that's going to make sure the suits at Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon get to buy a few really nice expensive bottles of finely-aged wine this weekend, and we here at are absolutely positive that none of that money went right into Volodymyr Zelenskyy's pocket... (Keep in mind, this forty-billion dollar slush fund was approved and passed by Congress during a period of soaring inflation when the American government has zero dollars in reserves to get us through a crisis, much less 3 years worth of crises back to back.)

But seemingly the last thing Joe Biden will blame for this inflation is the Congressional government-spending and money-printing that inevitably follows.

And then, after almost a year of inflation above the Fed's own target of 2%, Joe Biden had the nerve this past April to coin this year-long-plus economy-crushing inflation as "The Putin Price Hike."

This was absolutely intelligence-insulting to all Americans who'd been paying attention at all to the news cycles - and reality - for the past year.

To be clear, the terrible inflation the United States is seeing right now is due mostly in part to all the money-printing that's been going on over the past couple years, but also in part due to supply chain bottlenecks and bad energy policy that was very anti-free market throughout the entire history of our country. Vladimir Putin's culpability for American inflation remains practically nonexistent. His invasion of Ukraine is disgusting and reprehensible, but it was the policies passed by American politicians and money printed by the United States Federal Reserve that is causing our inflation, not Vladimir Putin's border war. The Biden Administration continuing to use phrases like "The Putin Price Hike" as an ongoing branding campaign to blindside the American people and obscure Biden's own administration's responsibility for inflation is disgusting and reprehensible.

The other blame-shift the Biden administration has made (as well as a myriad of other Democratic politicians) is on America's big businesses for apparently "jacking up" prices during a period of opportunity where they can blame other factors. This is an unfounded claim, and isn't based in any fact or economic law (or even economic theory for that matter). Not only has this claim come from Jen Psaki's representation of the White House, but also has actually primarily come from economic genius Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) specifically, who has falsely claimed since November 2021 that inflation was a result of "corporate greed," a falsehood that she still repeats to this day (see the embedded Tweet above). Hilariously, she attempts to prove her claim with an article discussing corporate executive pay raises. The biggest problem with using this article to prove her point of course is corporate executives salaries, benefits, and compensation packages change all the time for a variety of reasons - and often times have actually little to do with a company's current profits or revenue.

Just as I'm writing this, Quinnipiac released a new poll that almost certainly spells doom for the Democrats this coming November. The poll has Biden pegged as a disgraceful 35%, only 1 point above Donald Trump's single lowest-point in his presidency (which was right at the end of his 4 year tenure). The Quinnipiac poll also has him pegged at a devastating 57% disapproval rating. Rest assured, many of the Democrats that are turning against him in these polls have inflation as the top concern on their minds (and perhaps crime also).

If Joe Biden wants to stop the Democrat's from losing the House and Senate in February, he's going to need to do at least these two things indefinitely: 1) He's going to need to stop blame-shifting for inflation and 2) he's going to need to actually get the inflation problem under control - something that he appears to (at least at the current moment) have very little understanding of, or how to fight.

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