EndingPolitics.com Banned From r/Economics Sub-Reddit

Turd Ferguson • Jan 21, 2023


For those of you that follow our blog regularly, you know that yesterday we posted an article about whether or not Congress should raise the debt ceiling, and went into some detail in the article about the nature of the federal reserve.

Little did we know that such a non-controversial article would have the potential to piss off nearly as many people as it did.

As I sat here in front of my laptop last night, cup of coffee in hand while listening to Zedd's single "Clarity" from 2012 (wow, I'm getting old), running through my standard marketing plan of EndingPolitics.com article distribution across the internet's many social media platforms, I started to receive a barrage of emails from Reddit's email bot around 10 PM EST.

Almost all the emails I opened (which were coming in at record-speed) were users from the r/Economics sub-reddit (on which I had posted the article from last night "Is It Really A Good Idea For Congress To Raise The Debt Ceiling?") angrily posting comments on the article's thread such as "[I] have no idea what [I'm] talking about," "[I'm] a Q-Anon conspiracy theorist," and "[my] article was very poorly written!"

Admittedly, many of these comments made me laugh (especially the one claiming I was a Q-Anon conspiracy theorist), but some of them just confused me. I honestly couldn't understand for the life of me how such a non-controversial article could piss off so many people.

I opened by web browser and navigated back into the r/Economics sub-reddit where I had posted the article. To my surprise, having only been posted for a few minutes, my article had already received dozens of downvotes and angry comments from the users in the r/Economics community (the vast majority of whom I'm assuming are lefties). Some of them told me for writing such an article, that I was childish and "sophomoric." Some of them claimed I had no idea what I was talking about. Some of them just hurled juvenile insults. For those claiming that I had no idea what I was talking about, I commented back asking exactly what it was I said in the article that they thought was incorrect; surprisingly or not surprisingly, these Reddit-Keynesians either never commented back or couldn't actually articulate what it was I said they thought was inaccurate.

I should note that not all the r/Economics users were upset about the post. Some of them were quite receptive to the article, and actually thanked me for educating them, and some even told me that I'd taught them things about the Federal Reserve that they didn't know before.

That said, the vast majority of the feedback in the comment section I received was negative, despite much of the negativity being completely unjustified, and some of it just came from a place of blatant ignorance.

Then, after over an hour of engaging with the angry Reddit-whiners, asking them to articulate their positions to no avail, and much more back-and-forth, the r/Economics moderators removed my article from the sub-Reddit. I was shocked. I couldn't believe that an article would be removed from a sub-reddit that was supposedly meant for real intellectual discussion just because the users didn't like what I wrote in the article.

Upon noticing that my article had been removed completely, I then messaged the moderators asking why they removed my article from the r/Economics sub-reddit. When they returned my message, they were only able to provide me with some vague response about "violating Rule III." After reading the rule, the only way I could possibly even imagine having violated it was a brief mention of "self-promotion" hidden somewhere in the middle of the text of the "rule." But self-promotion?? All I did was post an article I wrote in an economics forum to start a discussion on the titular subject!!!

I then (justifiably) accused them of only removing my article because [I personally believed] they didn't like the content of it, to which they just blocked me from messaging them again, and then flat-out banned u/EndingPolitics from ever posting in the r/Economics sub-reddit again.

After the whole situation was over, I couldn't help but chuckle at what had actually just occurred. Here I was, just doing my job as a blogger and posting an article into a relevant social media group, and I was banned from the social media group for doing so! What the actual fuck?!?

That said, this situation almost makes me smile. The fact that this website is pissing so many people off, I think in some way proves that I'm doing great work! I certainly shouldn't expect everyone in the world to appreciate that I'm facing off against the establishment and telling the truth here. I'd say if there weren't at least a few people getting pissed off at what I'm writing here at Ending Politics, I should be trying harder!

As I wrap up this article, I'll leave a link to the deleted sub-reddit here (in hopes at least you'll still be able to pull up the post and see the comment history) so you can read just how stupid some of these establishment-shills are, and how little they actually know about the American economy and the federal reserve.

Cheers, everybody!


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