Dr. John Campbell Shows New Data Proving Masks Never Worked

Turd Ferguson • Mar 14, 2023

The data is in... and it proves that mask-wearing during COVID was completely worthless.

Dr. Fauci was telling the truth... back when the establishment wasn't pressuring him to lie.

Many of us remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci first addressed the nation regarding mask-wearing at the very beginning of the pandemic, and he said that masks wouldn't stop the spread of the virus. He was telling the truth at the time, and stating what most of the medical community already knew about masks - masks are specifically meant for medical professionals to wear during surgery to protect the patient from droplets from the medical professionals' noses and mouths. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less; and they certainly weren't meant to stop the spread of viruses.

For some reason, even there barely any convincing evidence to suggest wearing masks stopped coronavirus from spreading in the first place, this became a hot topic in the political arena - which is pretty ridiculous, considering this was not, and still isn't, a political issue in any way whatsoever.

This didn't stop many people, unsurprisingly on the left, from not only advocating that mask-wearing be legally forced on the population, but also advocating that those who violate these edicts be kidnapped and thrown in the cage. So much for the "anti-authoritarian left."

There was, however, some data at the beginning of the pandemic to suggest that wearing N95 masks did potentially prevent some spread of the virus. But according to the newest data, we can safely assume that probably wasn't true either.

Dr. John Campbell does a very thorough deep-dive of the latest data on his YouTube channel, which due to his objective and non-biased coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, has accumulated close to three million subscribers at this point. We've taken the liberty of iFraming his deep-dive of the data below.

"Wearing a mask may make little to no difference in how many people caught a flu-like illness, according to the plain English summary," states Dr. John Campbell, as he reads the summary directly from the study. "Moderate-certainty it makes no difference [...] I was wrong all that time," he continues, as he reads the data summary. Dr. Campbell did for the first couple years of the pandemic advocate that people wear masks to slow the spread of the virus. During the video, he apologizes in good faith to his audience multiple times for stating objectively incorrect information during the height of the pandemic.

"So the medical/surgical masks are basically useless. What about the more sophisticated ones, are they any better?" Dr. Campbell asks, as he continues to read the data summary in his video.

"We are very uncertain on the effects of N95/P2 respirators compared with medical/surgical masks on the outcome of clinical respiratory illness," reads Dr. John Campbell. It seems from the most accurate data we have using close to a dozen randomly controlled trials, we can't even be sure that N95 masks worked at all either. Keep in mind, N95 respirator masks were almost completely unattainable for most people throughout the majority of the pandemic's duration, but even if they had been, it's not clear whether or not they would have made any bit of difference whatsoever. The data summary does go on though with the data analyzers' best assessment of the data, which Dr. Campbell reads, "Compared with wearing medical or surgical masks, wearing N95/P2 respirators probably makes little to no difference [...]".

"So, all this money spent on PPE," states Dr. Campbell as he chuckles, "all the lucrative contracts awarded by the government, probably made essentially no difference to anyone."

The study doesn't even delve into whether or not cloth masks made a difference, as there's already been so much data that's come out during the pandemic that cloth masks are completely ineffective, and in fact probably caused more damage than they prevented.

"I got it wrong. I misinterpreted the evidence at the time," says Dr. Campbell again, apologetically, near the end of the video. At least he has the courage to admit it and apologize. After all, we all make mistakes. Some more than others. And some of us, including Dr. Campbell, don't advocate people be arrested when they disagree with us.

"Let's hope Dr. Fauci now apologizes. Let's hope the Department of Health, the U.K. Health Security Agency now apologizes. Let's hope the FDA and the CDC apologize. Let's hope President Biden - he was a great mask advocate - let's hope the now apologizes. Our prime ministers have worn masks over many occasions, let's hope they now apologize for misleading the public, or at least advocating interventions which are not supported by the evidence," says Dr. John Campbell, as he begins to wrap up his video on the subject.

"This is how science progresses," says Dr. Campbell. "You have to admit you're wrong, you have to change, you have to move on." Good advice from a very wise man.

Today, science has prevailed. The truth has prevailed. Honesty and integrity have prevailed. For those of you that were rude to people for not wearing masks, threatened to call the police on them, belittled them, advocated for their arrest, etc., ask for forgiveness. And forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. There's nothing wrong with being wrong now and then, as long as you have the courage to admit it after-the-fact and apologize, as Dr. John Campbell does in his video.

"For every complex problem, there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." - H. L. Mencken

The study Dr. John Campbell references during his video can be read here.

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