'Deadpool & Wolverine' Is A Hilarious & Fun Finale For The MCU

Turd Ferguson • Jul 26, 2024

'Deadpool & Wolverine' delivers on all fronts - hardcore action and violence, hilarious and filthy humor, and a satisfying finale for the MCU. We finally get to see live-action Wolverine in his superhero suit after more than 20 years... and Ryan Reynolds is one of the last movie stars.

I've been waiting for this movie to come out for over half a decade. It was well-worth the wait.

I love Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds. I also love Hugh Jackman and Wolverine. But teaming these two up in a violent and hilarious finale for the MCU was almost too satisfying.

Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Logan (Wolverine) effortlessly. He's played this character for so long, he can slip back into it easier than a pair of stretchy cotton pajamas. But, as you may have guessed, it's Reynolds that steals the show here, and it seems as though he was always sort of destined to play Deadpool - as if Mother Nature created Ryan Reynolds specifically so he could play this badass antihero in one of the biggest live-action comic book movie franchises of all time (similar to Kevin Conroy and his voicing of Batman). We also had the privilege of seeing some great cameos in this movie - Chris Evans reprising his 20-year-old role as the Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm, Channing Tatum's hilarious cameo as Gambit, and an epic appearance from Wesley Snipes as the classic badass vampire hunter Blade, among others..

The plot of this movie pretty heavily satirizes the absurdity of the MCU's multiverse, culminating in a great monologue in the third act from Ryan Reynolds, begging the Marvel studio to knock it off. Reynolds, who almost certainly had some personal input into this particular paragraph of script dialogue, absolutely shreds Marvel and Disney for allowing this conspiracy-theory-string-lines-on-a-chalkboard-style story weaving to have gone on for so long, and how little sense it all makes (it's actually a little shocking that Disney even allowed the writers to keep in this monologue!). The writers of Deadpool & Wolverine though do a pretty good job of keeping this story as simple as possible, so they could allow for the entertainment to flow through the onscreen action and character dialogue and development (which there is surprisingly a good amount of!). The long and short of the plot is: Wade Wilson's world is about to end forever, because an "anchor-being" (or a highly essential person to that specific universe) has died, starting a chain reaction that will eventually lead to the demise of the entire universe. The "anchor-being" in Wade Wilson's world was... Logan. So, Deadpool takes it upon himself to find another Logan in another universe to substitute him, and hopefully save the only 9 people that he cares at all about in his world. From here, Deadpool, and "the worst" Wolverine (as they actually call him in the movie), team up to save Deadpool's home universe from being completely destroyed. From here, we get a buddy comedy and a badass, violent action movie that's mixed better than a chocolate milkshake.

Watching Deadpool and Wolverine fuck each other up on multiple occasions is awesome and hilarious at the same time. And watching them team up to kill 100 other Deadpools from 100 different universes was another highlight of the film. But the most memorable (and hilarious) moment of the film came during the opening credits scene, in which we get to watch Deadpool ruthlessly murder a posse of multiverse time-traveling agents while doing NSYNC's signature choreographed dance to their 2000 single, Bye Bye Bye.  On a similar note, this movie has a great soundtrack.

At the time of this writing, Deadpool & Wolverine is scheduled for its big theatrical release tomorrow, Friday, July 26th. Those like me who caught it early apparently love it, and is sitting strong with the audience at an impressive 96%. Surprisingly (or perhaps not so much) the critics have rated it all the way down at 80% (which is still impressive by most standards), and could perhaps be due to Reynolds' absolutely panning wokeism in the film. Ryan Reynolds takes a no holds barred approach in his criticism of woke culture in this movie, and in one scene, flat-out mocks the sensitivity of the wokies by yelling at Professor X's bald sister, "ableism... the woke mob is going to hate that one!" If wokeism in the cinema wasn't dead already... Deadpool & Wolverine is certainly the final nail in the coffin of an era of lecturing, sensitive, and boring cinema that will be quickly forgotten (thank God!).

Deadpool & Wolverine is nearly a masterpiece and is well worth the $25 you'll pay to see it in IMAX 3D if you're able to. A film like this hasn't come around in awhile (though, luckily, it may start to be a lot more often), so don't feel bad about ponying up a little dough to get the full experience - you'll be glad you did. Seeing this legendary team up between Deadpool and Wolverine itself is worth the price of admission anyway... and not to mention, everything Ryan Reynolds touches these days turns to gold... because he's truly one of the last movie stars. EndingPolitics.com gives Deadpool & Wolverine 3 and a half stars and two big, red, swollen thumbs up!

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